Is anybody having issues with v1.41 and 1.42?

Hi Alexey,

I was not referring to the git checkout {version}; that one is there indeed to build a specific version. I am referring to git checkout . that needs to be done before building the release. My script now looks like the below:

git clone
cd storj
git checkout <version>

cd web/storagenode && npm install && npm run build && cd ../..
go get
go-bindata -prefix web/storagenode/ -fs -o storagenode/console/consoleassets/bindata.resource.go -pkg consoleassets web/storagenode/dist/... web/storagenode/static/...
/usr/bin/env echo -e '\nfunc init() { FileSystem = AssetFile() }' >> storagenode/console/consoleassets/bindata.resource.go
gofmt -w -s storagenode/console/consoleassets/bindata.resource.go
git checkout .
(make sure git diff --stat does not show any change, otherwise it builds a development version)
./scripts/ install ./cmd/storagenode


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