Is it possible to link the uploaded data with the mined block hash value?


While preparing my master’s thesis, I am preparing a research paper on the subject of Storj block-chain.

I saw the papers of Storj block-chain. And I analyzed it while running the testnet with the source of Github.

However, one thing I was wondering about could not be solved, so I ask a question.

Is the Storj block-chain created when the block hash value is created when the user uploads a file?

If not, is there a way to match the uploaded data with the block hash value when a user uploads data?

Welcome to the forum @JunSungKang !

Please read the whitepaper which will clear most of your doubts.

Also you can read the source code to get a better idea on what exactly is done and if there is anything remotely close to “Storj block-chain”.

May I ask what did you read ? Can you link them ?

I read this chapter on paper.

3.2. Storage nodes
3.5. Metadata
3.6. Encryption
3.8. Data repair
4.8. Structured file storage
4.9. Metadata
4.10. Satellite
4.11. Encryption
4.12. Authorization
4.14. Data repair
4.20. Uplink
5.1. Upload
5.8. Data repair

I thought about this.

If one file data upload is successful, one block is created.
If so, can’t you use the block hash value to retrieve the file data?

and, papers and Github Source were analyzed based on this standard.

But I couldn’t find the knowledge I was looking for.
I wonder if I can do it like the picture attached.

The Storj token is just an ERC20 token on the Ethereum network. It has absolutely no link with the workings of the Storj network.

It is only used to pay Storj Node Operators. Storj also accepts the Storj token (in addition to fiat) for payment to use the network once users have used their free allowance.

Hope that helps and you haven’t made a mistake selecting Storj for the subject matter!



I understand. Thanks for your help.

Storing data on blockchain is too expensive and inefficient as for upload and for the access. The only small chunks of data can be stored on blockchain and also in most cases they are immutable, i.e. you can’t delete or edit it. To make change you must generate the next block with that change. It’s not fast.

And also the size of the blockchain will include all world data, at the moment it’s greater than 460 Exabytes. And you would need to store it on the each node in the network, because blockchain is used a replication mechanism to achieve the reliability.
You can read about replication there:

The other problem is scaling - each block must be confirmed by consensus, in most today’s blockchains it requires coordination to have majority of the network to confirm the block. And with growing of the network this process demands more and more coordination. As result - it’s incredible slow from storage point of view.

Any blockchain-based storage solution is doomed at start because of those reasons.

At the moment only p2p networks can reach both - speed and reliability, but has less in common with the blockchain.
You can read more about consensus on Storj there: