Is there a way to edit the client config after install on Win 10

Is there a way to edit the client config after install on Windows 10?

Like say my email address or DNS name of my node?


you can edit the configfile “config.yaml”
in the folder
“C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node”

But I don’t know if there will be any sideffects in changing your email and dns name

You can change both of these as @LiteBit said
You then have to restart the storjnode windows service for the changes to take effect.

If you change the DNS name, of course you gotta make sure that you also change your DNS name with your DDNS provider :slight_smile:


I would add - please, use Notepad++ instead of Notepad or some other editors like MS Word or MS Wordpad - they will break the config.

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