Is there any issue against using s3fs on Linux to mount StorjDCS as a drive for Duplicati?

Is there any issue against using s3fs on Linux to mount StorjDCS as a drive?

Because I do so for a Duplicati backup job, although there is a Tardigrade and a S3 integration in Duplicati which seems to be very fragile in use. With s3fs finally I can max out the upload speed of my internet connection, out of the box.

These are the commands which I’m using for s3fs:

apt install s3fs
nano /etc/passwd-s3fs #There comes in your S3-Credentials seperated with ":"
chmod 0640 /etc/passwd-s3fs #Make sure only the owner can r/w and the group can read this file and others don't can do so

s3fs bucket_name /destination_directory -o url= -o passwd_file=/etc/passwd-s3fs

#And for automatic mount on reboot, put this line with the '#' in it in our /etc/fstab
s3fs#bucket_name /destination_directory fuse _netdev,allow_other,nonempty,url= 0 0 #First I had trouble with iscsi, the iscsi-daemon would not start anymore and my system won't reboot, I did start a emergency shell from CD/ISO file and purge, reinstall and reconfigure the whole open-iscsi package, then it works fine

You may use s3fs or rclone mount. However, if your upstream is slow or not durable, you may configure Duplicati with S3 integration.
If it’s not reliable even with S3 integration, then I would recommend to use restic.