Is this equilibrium or something else?

I’ve been getting a good amount of data ingress until it severely slowed down yesterday.

I’ve got plenty of space free still, 4.77 TB used, 5.2 TB free

and I don’t believe my success rates to be problematic

========== AUDIT ==============
Critically failed:     0
Critical Fail Rate:    0.000%
Recoverable failed:    0
Recoverable Fail Rate: 0.000%
Successful:            130
Success Rate:          100.000%
========== DOWNLOAD ===========
Failed:                2
Fail Rate:             0.079%
Canceled:              44
Cancel Rate:           1.730%
Successful:            2498
Success Rate:          98.192%
========== UPLOAD =============
Rejected:              0
Acceptance Rate:       100.000%
---------- accepted -----------
Failed:                250
Fail Rate:             2.390%
Canceled:              2381
Cancel Rate:           22.761%
Successful:            7830
Success Rate:          74.849%
========== REPAIR DOWNLOAD ====
Failed:                0
Fail Rate:             0.000%
Canceled:              0
Cancel Rate:           0.000%
Successful:            1
Success Rate:          100.000%
========== REPAIR UPLOAD ======
Failed:                18
Fail Rate:             1.164%
Canceled:              247
Cancel Rate:           15.966%
Successful:            1282
Success Rate:          82.870%
========== DELETE =============
Failed:                0
Fail Rate:             0.000%
Successful:            0
Success Rate:          0.000%

Potentially important info: My node is located in South Africa, which is quite far away from all the satellites. Did a node selection update decide to no longer send much data to me due to that?