hello guys how to set up this pia VPN I already subscribed
You don’t need VPN, only a Dynamic DNS service, that will give you a public address of your choice, and links it to your dynamic IP. Check the forum for advises about DynDNS.
DDNS will not give you a public IP, it’s given by ISP and you will be unable to change it without ISP except using a VPN.
But DDNS can help you to do not update your node’s configuration every time when your ISP changing your public IP.
@marangkas18 you can use this guide starting with p.5:
Yeah, what you want is a dynamic DNS service. Create and account and choose a domain name. If your router supports it you can configure the router to update the dynamic DNS any time your public IP changes. Your IP is assigned by your ISP. All the dynamic dns service does is update your domain name to the new IP if it changes so your domain name acts as the “static” address. These are 2 I’ve used in the past that have worked well for me. I know noIP offeres a free tier but you have to log in to renew it once a month.
The DDNS service will not give you a public IP, only ISP or VPN can do it.
The DDNS service is just a solution for a dynamic public IP, when you have it (WAN IP matches public IP), but if you behind CGNAT, only ISP or VPN with port forwarding option could help you.
When you have a public IP, but it’s dynamic (the ISP/VPN changes it from time to time), then DDNS service can be used to do not update node’s configuration every time when the public IP got changed.
He sais the ISP dosen’t give him static IP, he dosen’t say “public IP”.
The public IP is what he’s referring to. Most ISP’s assign dynamic IP addresses, especially for residential connections and they will almost never give you a static IP unless you pay more for a business connection. Even still, many business connections aren’t static unless you specifically ask and pay even more for that.
Not you too …
I know what static ip is, what public ip is, what dyn dns does and what vpn does.
The topic maker said he can’t obtain a static IP, so I assumed that he only has a dynamic public IP, and dosen’t know about DynDNS services. If he was refering to not gaining a public IP, than he expressed himself wrongly.
My ISP also gives me DYNAMIC PUBLIC IP, but I pay a fee and he gives me STATIC PUBLIC IP, and I don’t need to use DynDNS services. The VPN is just to hide your public IP from others, and show them other public IP not related to you, that the VPN service provider assignes it to you, and for encrypting the traffic between your machine and the VPN provider. It’s for security and privacy. But adds delay and lost races for Storj node.
hi guys update my isp wants me to pay another 12$ a moth to change Dynamic to isp and hoping that after the change my store will be good and I’m currently paying about 30$ amonth plus 12 so 43$ amonth and I have only 2tb and the speed of 200mbps and planning to buy 10 terabyte what do u thinks about it? negative or not I’m from the philippines
i mean dynamic to static
So I was right. He has public IP.
The prices that you are paying for internet are huge, if you just use it for Storj. I don’t see you getting any profits from it. If you use the connection for something else also, and the only extra for using storj is the static IP cost, then you should check the earnings estimator made by BrightSilence.
Not to keep beating a dead horse here, but I’m confused. Right about what? Of course he has a public IP. Without a public IP you don’t have a connection. What he has is a dynamic public IP (not dynamic dns) and it will cost him another $12/mo to change it to static.
A 10 TB node would probably bring in around $25/mo but that’s once it’s filled up which will probably take close to a year and a half at current rates. Personally I would still go with the dynamic dns option as it’s much cheaper even if you use the paid tier. I think that cose me around $20-30/yr if I remember correctly. As @snorkel said though, if your only doing it for Storj it’s not worth it.
what about 500tb my budget is good now is it profitable then?
ill be using 10tb 50pcs seagate ironwolf
Main problem with this is you only get so much data per public IPV4 subnet. So even adding more nodes won’t make a difference as the data is shared accross all nodes in the same subnet. At curret rates it would take close to 70 years to fill 500 TB. Now I’m very optimistic about the potential Storj has, but not quite that optimistic at least in the near future. There has been mention of the possibility of commercial node operators as a possibility in the future but again, that’s just talk at this point. What that would even look like is anyones guess right now. Even if data rates picked up enough for you to utilize that amount of storage your current internet connection doesn’t have enough bandwidth and that would require upgrading as well. For the sake of well… just the fun of it, 500 TB would probably bring in around $1800/mo. But if it takes 70 years… lol.
Only if you dont have multiply nodes using different ip’s
Well yes… if your willing to pay for them and know how to do it.
I was responding to Alexey, that caused the confusion. I should use “reply to”.
Anyway, there are more network topologies, like CGNAT; I’m not an expert, but I guess, you don’t get your own public IP, from witch you forword ports to your systems in your network. The ISP just uses a single public IP and splits the connection to it’s clients, like in intranet, forwording different ports to different clients. The WAN IP seen by your router will not be the same as the public IP seen by an outsider. In such a situation, you must convice ISP to reserve a port only for your storagenode and forward it to your router and etc.
Or use a VPN.