July 2019 Storage Node Operator Payouts
Because of some issues with the tool we use to process payments to storage node operators, we are unable to send more than one transaction per wallet address per Satellite for storage node operator payments. This means if you have four storage nodes, you will receive one payment per Satellite for the total earnings of your four storage nodes. We are testing several new payment techniques to overcome this hurdle.
June was the first month we let storage node operators run more than one node on the network. While we were completing the payout process, the tool we use to process payments could not send more than one payment per wallet per Satellite, causing a delay on issuing payments.
As a thank you to our community of storage node operators, we are also issuing a one-time gift of 133.7 STORJ tokens for all storage nodes on the network. We appreciate everyone’s efforts to set up and maintain their storage nodes during our alpha. While test data uploads have been slower than expected, we’d like to offer this thank you gift to everyone who has kept their node active while we build the V3 network.
Any node that connected to the network during July—even for a single contract—will qualify for the payment. These bonus tokens will appear as a separate transaction and will arrive before your regular storage node payment.
We aim to complete payments within the first two weeks of each month. You should expect both your bonus and normal payout by August 14.
Q: Why don’t you just send the duplicate payments in different transactions?
A: This makes payments take much longer and is more expensive.
Q: Will you continue to combine payments in the future?
A: Our goal is to run one payment per storage node, however we may not have this resolved in time for August payments (which will be sent in the beginning of September). The storage node operator dashboard, which should be released in the next month, will eventually show a running total of a storage node’s earnings for the month, although that feature is still several months away.
Q: Are you going to do another bonus payment in the future?
A: We are not planning on doing any more bonus payments in the immediate future. We did this single, one-time bonus to encourage storage node operators to continue contributing to the network throughout the rest of the alpha, into beta, and later into production.
Q: Should I use a different payout address for each of my storage nodes?
A: No. We encourage storage node operators to use one payout address for all their storage nodes. Using multiple wallets is against the network’s Storage Sharing Terms and Conditions.
Q: If I have one storage node, how many payments will I receive in July?
A: For each active storage node you have, you will receive:
- 1 payment of 133.7 STORJ tokens.
- 1 payment for each Satellite for which you stored data. Depending on how many Satellites sent you data, this could be between 1-4 transactions.
Can you clarify (or point to right doc):
we let storage node operators run more than one node on the network
What does that mean to “node operators run more than one node on the network”?
Does it mean running few nodes on one IP address?
Does it mean running few nodes on unique IPs, but with same ID?
Does it mean running few nodes on unique IPs, with unique IDs, but same email?
I received invitation and I’m running one SN.
But I have one more location, where I want to run one more SN. And I’m still waiting invitation for that.
Now, having read that message, I’m thinking, that I don’t need to wait? Should I run another SN with same ID? Generate new ID with same invitation?
Basically, the question is: what’s the proper way of running multiple SNs? Do I need 1 invitation for each SN?
Love the gesture! As well as the amount chosen.
But one small note.
Everyone has been encouraged to run as few nodes as possible and this would give the opposite incentive. You seem to be rewarding those who didn’t listen to that advise. May I suggest deduplicating the bonus on IP and payout address?
You mentioned it’s a one time thing, so it’s probably not that big a deal. This just kind of made me wish I used my token I have in reserve to set up a second node after all.
You need an invitation for each node you want run.
You can register on wait list multiple time with the same mailaddress.
With one token/invitation you can only create one identity.
Running multiple nodes with one identity will result in disqualifation. (this is technical, the audits will fail because each node has different data)
3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Can you get multiple auth tokens on the same email?
Please note tht is it currently not possible to use the same email address to sign up for additional invites. You can still use the same email on all you nodes docker run
command, but just for signing up for the waitlist, you need to use a different email each time.