Just had to stop my RPI Node

As the topic title says, I have no other choice but to stop the node, it´s consuming 40/10 bandwidth!
At least until my upgrade to 100/30 is done on the 22th.
Restraining the LAN to 10mbps Full Duplex didn´t work, and editing maximum concurrent connections to 2 didn´t as well…

Tell why limit concurrent is not working for you? Does your router support some kind of qos?

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“Tell why limit concurrent is not working for you?”
Well, because apparently it only restrains “uploads” to my node, not downloads.
“Does your router support some kind of qos?”
Unfortunally, no :frowning:

and the requirements for running a node is at least 25 mbit!

Yeah, and I have 40 :wink:

Can you show output of following command?

docker exec -it storagenode grep concurrent /app/config/config.yaml

docker logs --tail 20 storagenode

With concurrent connections set to 2 or not?

Yes with concurrent connections set to 2.

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo docker exec -it storagenode grep concurrent /app/config/config.yaml
storage2.max-concurrent-requests: 2

Preformatted textpi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo docker logs --tail 20 storagenode
2020-01-13T12:59:18.951Z INFO piecestore download started {“Piece ID”: “BIU4KTO4VZVWLI7PRHSCVFPPELQOYN5U4YZJDUBOVTPT2MOUVEKQ”, “Satellite ID”: “118UWpMCHzs6CvSgWd9BfFVjw5K9pZbJjkfZJexMtSkmKxvvAW”, “Action”: “GET”}
2020-01-13T12:59:18.953Z INFO piecestore download started {“Piece ID”: “MJFGS5UNUVZWHPP6Z3THKCKYDCS5UYDVE3JMLITJJAKYD7RNXOEA”, “Satellite ID”: “118UWpMCHzs6CvSgWd9BfFVjw5K9pZbJjkfZJexMtSkmKxvvAW”, “Action”: “GET”}
2020-01-13T12:59:18.961Z INFO piecestore download started {“Piece ID”: “NGELIQNHEZI7QLCTGBSX3A5UPUR7TNSZA4LWOX2O5VTHGONKTEZQ”, “Satellite ID”: “118UWpMCHzs6CvSgWd9BfFVjw5K9pZbJjkfZJexMtSkmKxvvAW”, “Action”: “GET”}
2020-01-13T12:59:22.688Z ERROR piecestore upload rejected, too many requests {“live requests”: 4}
2020-01-13T12:59:24.915Z INFO piecestore download started {“Piece ID”: “NGELIQNHEZI7QLCTGBSX3A5UPUR7TNSZA4LWOX2O5VTHGONKTEZQ”, “Satellite ID”: “118UWpMCHzs6CvSgWd9BfFVjw5K9pZbJjkfZJexMtSkmKxvvAW”, “Action”: “GET”}
2020-01-13T12:59:26.129Z ERROR piecestore upload rejected, too many requests {“live requests”: 5}
2020-01-13T12:59:30.409Z ERROR piecestore upload rejected, too many requests {“live requests”: 5}
2020-01-13T12:59:38.165Z INFO piecestore download started {“Piece ID”: “52K52QTADFJJHSNZOZR7GQAKHNQUPF372IFICJHHTAEI4NBHOOAQ”, “Satellite ID”: “118UWpMCHzs6CvSgWd9BfFVjw5K9pZbJjkfZJexMtSkmKxvvAW”, “Action”: “GET”}
2020-01-13T12:59:43.749Z INFO piecestore download started {“Piece ID”: “VN4Q7VO6NR3SBSJGSIFIJ34ZBYRI5HABVJDG6ZPDPIRNMKDNN4DQ”, “Satellite ID”: “118UWpMCHzs6CvSgWd9BfFVjw5K9pZbJjkfZJexMtSkmKxvvAW”, “Action”: “GET”}
2020-01-13T12:59:46.951Z INFO piecestore:monitor Remaining Bandwidth {“bytes”: 48953612139008}
2020-01-13T12:59:50.971Z ERROR piecestore upload rejected, too many requests {“live requests”: 3}
2020-01-13T12:59:52.001Z ERROR piecestore upload rejected, too many requests {“live requests”: 3}
2020-01-13T12:59:56.795Z INFO piecestore download started {“Piece ID”: “NGELIQNHEZI7QLCTGBSX3A5UPUR7TNSZA4LWOX2O5VTHGONKTEZQ”, “Satellite ID”: “118UWpMCHzs6CvSgWd9BfFVjw5K9pZbJjkfZJexMtSkmKxvvAW”, “Action”: “GET”}
2020-01-13T12:59:57.334Z INFO piecestore download started {“Piece ID”: “VN4Q7VO6NR3SBSJGSIFIJ34ZBYRI5HABVJDG6ZPDPIRNMKDNN4DQ”, “Satellite ID”: “118UWpMCHzs6CvSgWd9BfFVjw5K9pZbJjkfZJexMtSkmKxvvAW”, “Action”: “GET”}
2020-01-13T12:59:57.840Z INFO piecestore download started {“Piece ID”: “52K52QTADFJJHSNZOZR7GQAKHNQUPF372IFICJHHTAEI4NBHOOAQ”, “Satellite ID”: “118UWpMCHzs6CvSgWd9BfFVjw5K9pZbJjkfZJexMtSkmKxvvAW”, “Action”: “GET”}
2020-01-13T12:59:58.785Z INFO piecestore download started {“Piece ID”: “ZCPMRMCX6LGKANV4IPRYFEW4CXZLNBXFAN52PVGYERHJJRWQ5K5A”, “Satellite ID”: “118UWpMCHzs6CvSgWd9BfFVjw5K9pZbJjkfZJexMtSkmKxvvAW”, “Action”: “GET”}
2020-01-13T13:00:00.032Z INFO piecestore download started {“Piece ID”: “MZRQJ4OJV2PODEGAMNU6QGEIMFEMPFLZEMHBMKJY4RYMAU2ZO4JQ”, “Satellite ID”: “12L9ZFwhzVpuEKMUNUqkaTLGzwY9G24tbiigLiXpmZWKwmcNDDs”, “Action”: “GET”}
2020-01-13T13:00:03.330Z ERROR piecestore upload rejected, too many requests {“live requests”: 6}
2020-01-13T13:00:05.878Z ERROR piecestore upload rejected, too many requests {“live requests”: 6}
2020-01-13T13:00:08.529Z ERROR piecestore upload rejected, too many requests {“live requests”: 6}

Im curious as to why all of a sudden your having this issue now and not before?

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There are only ‘download started’ & no ‘downloaded’ entries. Can you confirm if you have any ‘downloaded’ log entries? None of the downloads seem to finish

Me too! I had another post addressing this, where I think 40/10 is just not enough anymore, in addition on garbage collector being enabled as well. I believe it just overwhelmed the Pi.
Even so, I´m discarding the fact that I had it running under an NTFS partition.
I´m backing up to a Synology as we speak (rsync), reformat to EXT4, restore and monitor it.

Probably because I had just started the node, and still had Database Locked.

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Cause you been running this for a while right?

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Wise decision. NTFS should only be used for Windows nodes. Please make sure you copy all the data without losing any of the pieces & update this thread accordingly. Good luck!

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Oh yeah. It was all good before garbage collector was enabled. This node must be at least 6 months old, but I kinda lost track because I have 5 now.
This was actually my first one, a Signature Box from Storj.

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1TB copied, 700GB to go:

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Test traffic from Storj has moved from mixed traffic to mostly download early this month. This is great for payouts, but it saturates upload speeds on asynchronous connections. Since most home users have a much lower upload speed than download speed, this change in test patterns could have this effect on some nodes. I still think traffic shaping software should be able to help you limit this impact. On a 40/10 connection the problem is most likely gone if you limit upload on the network interface of your node to say 8mbit. Try wondershaper if you want to give this a try.

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I did try wondershaper and used 30 download, 5 upload but I didn’t see much of a difference.
I opted by a network upgrade and backing the node up to make the HDD EXT4 as it’s now NTFS.
Let’s see if that helps my LAN not to be clogged.

Oh you mean to say because he has been uploading alot and when his node is downloading since he doesnt have 50/50 download and upload meaning since hes on cable which doesnt handle uploads very well it bloggs down his download for his internet. Makes sense but I thought cable has changed where it can simultaneously download and upload without the upload affecting the download, I guess that isnt the case.