Kernel support for server-side tcp fast open remains disabled

The first one, if it’s false, stops the File Walker from running. If it’s true, FW runs at node start, and after any updates and restarts.
See post “Tuning the filewalker”.
The second one reffers to logs; it’s a log rotate mechanism. One line specify the max size of one file, and the other the number of files that are created and retained. New files created after this value will delete the old ones, to keep the number of log files at that value. A new log file is created when the max size is reached.
If I remember corectly, this only works if you didn’t changed the location of the log files from default.
This is the expanded version:

Take notice that I keep FW off for 2 nodes that are on a NAS with only 1GB RAM. For other, I have 10GB and 18GB RAM and FW is on.
There are also some commands that reffers to how data is buffered and write on disks, to reduce the fragmentation. I keep those as default on systems with low RAM. I use different Docker ports for each node, because I was getting Quick missconfigured when I was using the same port. Now I don’t get Quick error ever.