Komprise a potential partner for Storj?

From what I understand they help companies with data migration, data cost savings and data analysis:


I found this especially interesting:

Can You Answer These File Migration Questions Today?

  • What unstructured data do we have and where is it stored?​
  • What data sets are accessed most frequently (hot) and less frequently (cold) data?​
  • What types of files and which comprise the most data storage (image files, video, audio files, sensor data, etc.)?​
  • What is the cost of storing these different file types?​
  • Which types of files should be stored in a higher security level? (PII or IP data? Mission-critical projects?)​
  • Are we complying with regulations and internal policies with our unstructured data management practices?
  • What constraints do my network and environment pose and how do I avoid surprises during file data migrations?
  • Do we have the best possible strategy in place for WAN acceleration?

The answers to these questions could help potential Storj customers to analyze their data and find data that need to be stored in compliant data canters but also discover data that can be stored on the (currently still) non-compliant public network at lower cost.

They have several technology partners, AWS and Wasabi only 2 of them: Partner With Us – Accelerate Sales & Deliver Instant Value – Komprise

Maybe Storj should present themselves to them.

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Shared the info with the team, thanks!

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We know them since 2023 or even earlier, so no need to present us, thanks.


Then I hope to see Storj mentioned on their website as one of their technology partners soon.

Please consider the possibility that a company we have been in talks with may end up not being a fit/not interested in working with us for various reasons.

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