Large temporary folder

In my experience once the node is stopped whatever remains can be deleted. I have never seen files as old as an hour ever been reused after node restarts.

Please correct me if I am wrong so I along with other SNOs can take proper action.

I do not know a proper action (if it needed at all), but if you see something old as 72h itā€™s safe to delete (the transfer is cancelled anyway from the customersā€™ uplink).
Of course, only for temp files :smiley:

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checked my 54 nodes and none of them showed excessive temp files.
so doesnā€™t seem to be a common issue.

max was 1.8GB

temp should not contain files older than 3 day(, mine is 0 right now, when node fullā€¦)

so 1.8 gb is excessive

Thats what i currently have, is it safe to delete the files from march and april?

as written here somewhere, yes.

Wow! 1.8GB of 4MB files? There must be 4-500 files! Stop the node and delete them. Files in temp folderā€¦ to not be confused with trash.

No need to stop the node, just delete everything older than 3 days

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sounds like a storj problem rather than a me problem, also a years old node.

bothering to delete 1.8 thats worth 20$ pr TB
so recovering 0.036$ and that might be overvaluing it because.
20$ pr TB is rather high.