Legal responsibility

So if illegal data is stored on my node who is responsible for that?

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Hello @JanPhilB1,
Welcome the forum!

The customer. You can’t decrypt the content even if you figure out, where is other encrypted pieces on the network and how they should be combined before decryption.

We do not condone the use of illegal content on our platform, but the nature of the platform with its end-to-end encryption prevents us from having any control on what is stored or shared by users. We believe decentralized technologies will have a lasting, positive effect on society. However, such technologies can only flourish in the long-term if they work within and evolve with a society’s legal and ethical norms.


I’ve found an interesting piece a few weeks ago.

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This article describes an attack on deprecated v2, no more new customers there.
I’d like to see the similar investigation for v3

@xopok Thanks for posting that paper. Really cool that people are doing research in that area.

As @Alexey says this attack is valid for v2, but not for v3. Also from our developer @Egon “Currently the storage node has signed piece hashes for the data. Which means it has proof that the request to store the data came from somewhere else. For storage node to clear itself it needs to provide the piece hash and order limit and the satellite certificate (this can be used to verify the signatures).”


@xopok Thanks for the question. It shows that you think about multiple aspects of a situation. this is a question we’ve talked about in a past Town Hall. You can jump to to hear more. Between that and the answer from Alexey, I hope that answers your curiosity. Thx!

In case folks From The Future find this thread, here’s another recent conversation:

Thank you for putting up with my old thread necromancy.