it is a problem i would like to see a report on hows STORJ salesmen did in 2020-2022. Coz STORJ do have sales department, right?.. if sales department doing correct stuff like for example Brian Tracy described in his books, then everything is all right and on track! But if not… then no hope, sorry nooot a single little one, do not expect ppl will just jump in, because they have no clue what the benefits are, if WE KEEP IT SECRET! Also its an effort to change habits, and has to be worthy FOR WHAT to change. So how’s STORJ salesmen doing?
EDIT: sooo have no problem if u cut operators payment by half,
IF You double the network traffic,
coz my nodes are snoring! They need action.
So You can do this by rising sales min.2 times!
You do this first, then You start cutting our nodes payments gradually, mm’kay?
And everyone will be happy.