Log-Exporter for Prometheus with Grafana Dashboard

I updated the dashboard, it is now also published on grafana directly (but you can also still find it in my github repository): Storj-Exporter-Boom-Table-combined dashboard for Grafana | Grafana Labs

Changes include:

  • Changed metrics for OnlineScore,SuspensionScore and Audits have all been updated.
  • Node details now show the Space Used per satellite! This is a new metric added in the storj-exporter with the last update!
  • Node details StorageIO now also shows the StorageSum so you can see how the usedSpace behaved
  • Storage/HDD activity overview is now displayed in Bytes/sec instead of bits/sec as this is more common for HDDs. Also I added the StorageSum again so you can quickly see how much your SpaceUsed grew/shrunk due to ingress/deletes
  • Storage/HDD activity now also per Satellite so you can find out which satellite is pushing/deleting how much data
  • A storage usage category so you have all storage stats at once (if you still need that after the last 2 additions)

Hope you enjoy the update.