Log truncation and previous app deletion are now an overdue feature

A 3GB logfile is challenging to open and requires a computer with 16GB of RAM to open when trying to see why the node randomly went offline.

Daily/weekly log is now an absolute must along with auto-removal of the old versions of the Storj app

Running the Windows-native Storj app, not docker, so it’s a bit frustrating to have to manually cull this.

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A 3 GB logfile would fit nicely into 3 GB of RAM. What application is bloating that up to 16 GB? Maybe try out someting different. My prefered tools are grep and less. They can handle even big files with low resource costs.

Time for you to setup logroate. There are a few topics in the forum that will give you some configuration examples.


Sublime Text can’t handle the logfile with 4-8GB of ram available, requires 12 of 16 to be able to view and scroll it

Notepad++ says it’s too big

Windows Notepad refuses to even think about opening it

Logrotate is a Linux app?
Can’t use it on the dark side…

You can use it on windows as well.

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You can use a logrotate for Windows.
You also can use a PowerShell script running by scheduler.
The example: GitHub - AlexeyALeonov/storagenode_win_log_rotate: Windows GUI storagenode log rotation script (doesn't compatible with logrotate)

The trick with opening large text files is not loading them all into RAM. IIRC on Windows PilotEdit can do that.

BTW, I scripted node restarts so that after each restart logging goes to a different file. I recommend this approach in case you can’t properly do log rotating.

I agree that Storj should rotate and auto-remove old logs. This would prevent issues with system disks filling with old log entries.

Powershell includes a tail feature Get-Content <filename> -tail <number of items wanted>. Maybe that helps.

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