Logs: how to send relevant log messages to a Discord web hook

I have taken this bash script:

… and reused it in the success rates script from this post:

E.g. this looks like this:

echo_downloads=$(printf '%.0f\n' $(echo -e "$dl_success $dl_failed $dl_canceled" | awk '{print ( $1 / ( $1 + $2 + $3 )) * 100 }'))
if [[ $echo_downloads -lt 98 ]] || [[ $DEB -eq 1 ]]
	./discord.sh --webhook-url=$url --text "$([[ $DEB -eq 1 ]] && echo 'INFO' || echo 'WARNING') downloads: $dl_ratio"

This will ping me via discord, in case the download rate drops below 98% and periodically in debug mode just for my (daily) information. Having the success rate script prepared, it is called via crontab with and without parameters.

I’ll extend that with other scripts like “scanning” the logs for FATAL or ERROR messages and/or SMART tests of the HDD(s) and push them on a regular base as well.