Look like setting pieces.delete-to-trash not working anymore

root@50:~# grep trash /opt/storj/data/config.yaml 
# move pieces to trash upon deletion. Warning: if set to false, you risk disqualification for failed audits if a satellite database is restored from backup.
pieces.delete-to-trash: false
root@50:~# ls -lsah /opt/storj/data/storage/trash/qstuylguhrn2ozjv4h2c6xpxykd622gtgurhql2k7k75wqaaaaaa/
total 56K
5.0K drwx------    4 storj-storagenode storj-storagenode    4 May 23 00:32 .
 25K drwx------    7 storj-storagenode storj-storagenode    8 Mar 27 22:08 ..
 13K drwx------ 1026 storj-storagenode storj-storagenode 1.1K May 22 20:03 2024-05-22
 13K drwx------ 1026 storj-storagenode storj-storagenode 1.1K May 23 00:34 2024-05-23
root@50:~# ps aux | grep storage | grep -v grep
storj-s+  148901  8.3  3.9 2498260 334440 ?      Ssl  May18 517:08 /opt/storj/bin/storagenode run --config-dir /opt/storj/data
storj-s+  149444  0.0  0.4 1243992 36276 ?       Ssl  May19   0:51 /opt/storj/bin/storagenode-updater run --config-dir /opt/storj/data --binary-location /opt/storj/bin/storagenode


Please review my message first

pieces.delete-to-trash: false

Node restarted at 18 of may, new folders in trash still generated 22.05 & 23.05

This is broken for now =)

I believe that feature flag has been removed that time, but I sent your report to the team.

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I forgot version in my report - v1.104.5

Please what is the status of this?
Is pieces.delete-to-trash: false supposed to be working? (not working for me, v1.105.4)

It should be. Do you see that it’s not?

I have this line in my config.yaml

since beginning of this node, and I’m getting


Please measure the size of these folders. The high level - the trash folder as a whole.
Then check, that you do not have any non-empty subfolders with date later than your change.

P.S. also, I guess that this change would stop processing the trash. So, likely you would need to remove subfolders after 7 days manually…

I did not change it, i have pieces.delete-to-trash: false set up since the node’s beginning, never changed it.
The trash folder is 3.7 GB

the content goes like this:

There is an open issue for this: Config option pieces.delete-to-trash: false looks to be ignored · Issue #7012 · storj/storj · GitHub


according to the link above, if I set pieces.enable-lazy-filewalker: false will it stop moving to trash folder?

You may try it. It should work, but also I thought that this option should work too even for lazy, so we need a confirmation.

you mean from me/users or from developers?
I can see pieces going to trash, although as I said I have it turned off for months:

I set pieces.enable-lazy-filewalker: false yesterday (+ restart), and today new trash was created again:

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Did you make sure there are no leading or trailing spaces in that config line ?

yes, this is how it looks:

all characters visible:

From the fellow Storage Node Operators, yes. Only the SNO can truly confirm is it working or not. The developers may check that only if there would be a bug report on GitHub. Right now it’s not confirmed fully, so your help is appreciated.

Thank you for the confirmation!
I added your feedback to the issue.

A good read.

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