MAY 11, 2021: Payouts for month of April 2021 complete

My last payout (239 USD) was 10 weeks ago… It does seem odd that I have not been paid for 10 weeks now :thinking::thinking:

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My guess is this is relevant for you:

Normally I don’t feed the trolls, but here we go…

Even if it would be true that the price falls after each payment, do you know the difference between causation and correlation? If the value falls it is most likely caused by people selling their tokens straight after they received the payment which creates more supply than demand.

Look up the value of STORJ in coingecko in the last year. Even without the recent big jump caused by the listing in Coinbase, the value inreased slowly but steadily. If you had hold onto your coins you would have made profit.

I just picked the value of STORJ at my last 3 payments in 2020

2020-12-08 ~$0.35, in the next week between 0.32 and 0.35
2020-11-03 ~$0.28, in the next week between 0.27 and 0.37
2020-10-06 ~$0.45, in the next week between 0.46 and 0.63

So where is the basis of your accusations?


Mine 5 weeks back - typically 30$ per node. For april so far nothing.

Me too, but it is safe in undistributed payout box.

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Undistributed payout confirmed

I know it’s not official source but there appear to be more payouts happening
Those could be the stalled transfers that had too little gas?

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The payout is pending which means it will probably fail less it has a high enough fee.

So, I’ve been here for probably over a year by now. I provide roughly 732tb to the network across numerous accounts. The way shit has been going lately, I’m just going to pull all my nodes offline, and no, not gracefully. The business model is shit when you’re sitting 90% full, there’s barely any traffic. With over 700tb on the network, u would think I’m rolling in coins, however that’s far from the truth. There were some early incentives which made the project seem fruitful as a sno, however those seem long gone. The consumer side of things is pricey, and the experience is just meh. It’s been “fun”, I hope u feel the burn when I pull my shit offline next week.

With 700TB used you should get at least $1k worth of coins every month just from storage and at least double that if you also include traffic.


I’ve got bad news for you. The network can easily deal with that. But keep your data coming please! We other SNOs will happily take care of it for you.


That’s a pretty amazing effort, how did you manage to get so much data?

I’m sure the network can deal with it but that’s got to come at a cost surely?

Cost or not, what’s even the goal of announcing such a move? “feel the burn”… grudge? anger? from someone who never shared his anger/disappointment before?.. what are we supposed to do? should we comfort him? :smiley: or beg him not do shut down his nodes because he is such a big an powerful SNO? :smiley:

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Oh sure, there is some repair cost. But Storj has done a lot to bring those costs down. And they’ll just hold on to @AndreiG6’s held amounts (which has to be significant if the numbers mentioned are anywhere close to true). So this is essentially a self burn. I guess some people enjoy that… it’s not my thing.
Nobody at Storj is going to bat an eye at this. And for other SNOs it’s technically just bonus repair egress as well as bonus ingress to earn money on later.

SNOs on here tend to help others out willingly against their own interest. But my sympathy doesn’t extent to someone looking for gratification by rage quitting. I’ll welcome the benefits it would give me and save my sympathy and selflessness for people who are here to have an honest discussion.


Bye Bye!
I am happy that those who do not really believe in the project and especially those who continue to spread false news go away!
the data you say is definitely fake or pumped up.
Bye Bye!

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I realize that Storj Node Operators want consistent payouts and they’d like revenue to increase or at least be steady. The folks at Storj want that too.

For years, the main focus of Storj Labs has been to focus on the design. We went through three iterations of Storj as a platform. We wanted the third version to be solid, taking what we learned from v1 and v2 to make the right engineering decisions for a distributed platform.

This platform is pretty amazing. I stored a 5gb video file on the platform about 2 years ago, and didn’t touch it the entire time. Recently I went to retrieve it, and it was brought in with no delay and no issues. Consider the amount of updates and node churn during that time period, and the data was rock solid. Impressive.

Now, Storj does need performance improvements and new features, the engineer teams are working towards that. But the foundation of the platform is at a point where the company feels like it can be offered to companies as a very real and viable solution for many different projects. Because of this, Storj Labs has built up its sales and marketing team. And I don’t mean they hired one person to do the job. There is an actual staff who’s entire purpose at Storj is to generate sales. And they are now working to that end.

But, I will tell you, that I’ve worked in the technical industry a long time, and adoption by companies for new technologies takes time. A business doesn’t just look at a flyer and a fancy website and decides that Storj is the answer. Relationships and trust has to be built, and then technology typically has to be tweaked to serve some goal or metric that the customer needs to move forward. All of this is being worked on and happening at Storj Labs now.

If the platform is going to be here for years to come, it needs customers, and it needs usage. Then everyone prospers, SNOs, Storj Labs, and the end user/customer. This is the goal. Everyone here is aligned to that purpose right now.

If you want more use for your nodes, show someone you know what Storj can do for them. Consider using it in a project, or talk to your tech friends and have them check it out. The more eyes, the more use, the more interest, the more word of mouth, the faster Storj will grow. And then everyone will have plenty of data and egress.

Don’t just throw ideas at the wall and hope someone at Storj picks them up and run with it. (We do look at and discuss ideas. I was just in a meeting the other day organizing them for distribution) But consider, have you used the platform? Have you shown the platform to others? Maybe it isn’t at the right price point for you, or it doesn’t have the right features you need, but open that up to discussion with others that you know. What do they think? What is their experience? Every-time a friend or a coworker uses the platform, that is data on your drives.

We all want to be rowing in the same direction. Let’s not look forward to cannibalizing the other guy’s data when he leaves in frustration. But instead, let’s find people to check out Storj and use it. Then everyone gets data, the network grows, and everyone gets paid. But if you have no one to show it to, and you have no interest in using it yourself, or it doesn’t work for you right now. Then just be paitent. The team at Storj Labs is working hard to make this a success. A lot of people are working day and night to make that happen.

Thanks for being awesome node operators. We couldn’t do this without you, and we’re working to make it better for you.


So who is it?..

Brian Stewart is our Sales Director, and Paul Ford is Chief Marketing Officer. For the people under them, I’m not sure of titles so I would defer to the principals that I’ve listed to determine if they want to detail out that information.

You can also refer to this: Company | Storj
I assume everyone on that page has consented to it being public.

@Knowledge: Instead of having people try to contact them directly though (which I’m sure isn’t your intention in the first place), it might be a good idea to have some sort of tip box. While I agree that it’s a lot better to spread the word yourself, sometimes people have ideas about prospective customers they don’t have contact with themselves. Not all of those will be great prospects, but right now posts about this just get plastered on the forums and will likely be hard to find for the relevant teams. And they rarely get an official response, which to be honest is to be expected. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just a simple form would do. And you can make clear that you don’t respond to every individual suggestion, but you do consider them.

I don’t think this is generally the attitude of anyone here. But if someone leads with nothing but anger and makes it clear they are aiming to inflict harm, I don’t know how else to respond but to say it won’t inflict harm and thanks for the data. If they want to talk about their issues with the experience, I’m the first to join in on a good debate. I would also welcome them back with open arms and try to help resolve any issues they may encounter. But I can recognize a lost cause when I see it. Every day is a new day though and if they change their mind, I’m quite certain the community here will forget about the momentary anger and welcome anyone back no questions asked.