I’ve noticed my nodes seemed to run OK for a while but after a few hours or days would notice memory consumption would grow and swap usage and disk wait times would increase (seemingly due to increased swap usage). Originally I put this down to overloaded system but I’ve now got a strong suspicion this is due to the dashboard script and that when exiting this it continues to run and consume resources. I noticed this as I started to spot multiple dashboard processes running in the docker instances even though I had terminated these and was no longer running the dashboard. Perhaps it is because I am Ctrl-C’ing out of the dashboard to quit but not aware of any other way to quit. Everything seems to run much better when I do not run the dashboard (or at least I have to restart the node after running the dashboard). Any thoughts?
A post was merged into an existing topic: Dashboard uses CPU and RAM when it always running
A post was merged into an existing topic: Dashboard uses CPU and RAM when it always running