Migrating Windows 10 -> Pi

im 99% of the way there. But I cannot get port forwarding to my pi to work. Static IP is set, and confirmed working. the port forward rule is in the router conifg. The port is not open when I check open ports. I am not able to ping the port, but I am able to ping the pi from a windows device.

Thoughts? I am sure this is something simple I am missing.

Hi @mikee027
Presumably the windows machine is on the same internal network as the Pi? Can you telnet to the internal IP and port 28967? The connection should open but no response will be received.

Check the public IP (and DNS name if used) then use the open port checker (Open Port Check Tool - Test Port Forwarding on Your Router) if telnet worked and you think port forwarding is fine.

My guess is that UFW (firewall) is enabled and blocking the ports. See this thread for more info:

Note that you should forward both TCP and UDP ports, as UDP has been enabled since the date of that thread.

Tried all that. Reset everything. I can ping the Pi directly, but not the port internally.

Is your node running? keep in mind if its not running it wouldnt show any ports open.

Yes, it is now. I figured it out. In a fit of frustration I rebuild the Pi. After going through the process a second time I am sure I made a mistake installing storagenode somewhere.

So far so good, online and looks like everything is green. Down to 72% online time on one of the satellites, but other than that I think we made it.

Thanks to everyone for helping me out along the way. Appreciate the support of the community!

Now if I could only figure out why my restart flag doesn’t work on the run command…

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Did you specify it as --restart unless-stopped?
If so, how did you test it?

I set it to =always per the documentation (which doesn’t have the “=”)

Although --restart always will work, that is not part the node setup documentation. Just to make sure you are following the correct docs, the official documentation (with the relevant step) can be found here:

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That didn’t work either :man_shrugging:

How did you test it?

Make sure that docker is enabled to autostart sudo systemctl enable docker

It is. My watchtower container restarts automatically, no issues. Just the storagenode will not start after any kind of reboot, planned or otherwise

What’s the error in the log, when it’s not started?