"Misconfigured" - but everything is set right?

Yes, I received that from outside the firewall.
Ripper7 2023-04-18 08-51-09

Note - what is AllHealthy?

does this Port Checker - Check Open Ports Online
also show that port is opened?

Allhealthy mean that all is ok, if disconnected it is not ok.
is it a new node?


This was an existing node that was on Windows that I copied over to an Unraid and then restarted using Docker …

And yes - Port Checker shows ports are opened.

is it only one node that you have? at this location.

Yes. I only have one node.

may you have DNS problems on pc? or time offset, this lead to problem in encryption
I can confirm that is you node is reachable from my location.
when you start node, does you logs show some other error that contact failed?
Also check that you have all of yours identity files at place, there should be 6 of them.
also check that all of them are can be accessed.

it’s checked on every check-in.

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Please check your address in the ADDRESS option, it should match your public IP on yougetsignal and WAN IP on your router if you use IP. If you use a DDNS hostname, please check that it’s updated:

nslookup your.ddns.hsotname

should return the same IP as IP on yougetsignal and match your WAN IP.
If it’s not updated, please check the DDNS updater on your router or DDNS application on your Unraid.

Also, could you please try another browser or hard refresh the page?


  1. I can confirm that DNS is working properly – I can nslookup my hostname and get an IP.
  2. I can confirm that NTP is working – it is returning the current date time.
  3. I can confirm that the Identity files are working
  4. I will paste the entire logs to pastebin 1 moment.
2023-04-21T09:18:20.824-0700    ERROR   contact:service ping satellite failed   {"Process": "storagenode", "Satellite ID": "12rfG3sh9NCWiX3ivPjq2HtdLmbqCrvHVEzJubnzFzosMuawymB", "attempts": 1, "error": "ping satellite: failed to ping storage node, your node indicated error code: 0, rpc: tcp connector failed: rpc: dial tcp connect: no route to host"

Make sure that is an actual IP when you resolve the DDNS name, this IP is not routable.

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Zomg. It was a random glitch by the DDNS service putting the wrong IP address on the DDNS provider…off by one digit and I just didn’t see it. Thank you to everyone here.