Missing 5 .sj1 files of 3.2 million - end of node? 'Resilver' of objects?

This has bothered me for a while now. The current score system is very flawed. Technically if you have 10% data loss, you will get disqualified at some point, but it can take millions of audits to finally hit the bad luck moment for that to happen. How do I know? Well… this has been kind of a thorn and the 20-25% number mentioned by @SGC seemed outrageous. However, I suppressed my initial instinct to just ask for the source of that info and figured I’d create a simulator.

This is the result:

This graph shows the behavior of the score for a node with 15% data loss. As you can see this node got disqualified, but not because it consistently lost reputation. Instead it basically got disqualified by a statistical outlier. If you run this simulation several times, most of the times the node actually survives the 10K audits in this simulation. I will post more of my findings and a suggestion for improvement in a separate topic/suggestion.

Edit: Suggestion created now. For anyone who’s interested it can be found here: Tuning audit scoring