Moving home - advice please

Im going to move home in 2 weeks. Can anyone clarify if the downtime penalty has been implemented now? I’m trying to decide if i should run GE on all my nodes now or if the downtime moving home will not get me disqualified.

Im not sure how long the downtime will be, lets assume 24 hours.

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Penalties aren’t live yet, though I usually recommend to act as if they are. Even so, if they are live you can still recover from up to a week of downtime. It would just take a while to get out of suspension.
Basically when you get suspended you get a week to solve the problem, the month after that week your node will be under review and only if at the end of that month your node is still not meeting uptime requirements will you get permanently disqualified.
You have to pretty majorly screw up to get to that point.

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