To compensate that we are starting with a fairly high tollerance. 0.6 means a storage node can be offline up to 288 hours in a month (best case with many audits and high accuracy). Worst case 36 times one minute offline time and bad luck that the satellite was sending only 1 audit every 12 hours and hits 36 times exactly that one minute.
What happens if a storage node is not getting 1 audit every 12 hours? If the audit history is not filled with at least one data point every 12 hours for the full 30 day periode the score will stay at 1 and ignore all downtimes. I would call it a bug and not a feature. The idea is that unvetted nodes are not getting suspended. We want to fill them with enough data first to be able to make a fair judgment. That idea is great but it is currently implemented to early in the process. The score should be updated but suspension shouldn’t kick it. An unvetted nodes should see the impact and correct its behavior. Currenlty I would expect to see a score of 1 for most of the nodes even if they had downtime. It will take 30 days before the first nodes might see the real score.