Muliple nodes, a total of 16 nodes on one IP

Hallo, I have a total of 16 nodes running on a pc. All run on the same domain. I’m aware that I can only have a very limited number of nodes on one ip, which is why I’m asking. Can I now simply book several domains on no ip and simply divide the 16 nodes or would storj then see me as a different ip or somehow add them up?

You can run as many nodes as you want on the the same IP.

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yes you are, all your node will be treated as one node, and get data amount as 1 node


i thought that you get a limited amount of data allocated per wan ip

what if I use a different dns domain for each node? is this possible ?

it is monitored as IP for all IP in one /24 will be treated as 1 node.
for example all nodes in this sett will be as one node, even if they dont belong to you but part of them are in other street.

it is made like this, because to prevent 1 file pieces to go to same location.

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You can do it, but it won’t make a difference. Satellites will just resolve the IP and apply the same limitation.


Please abstain from asking for advise how to circumvent the rules that protect our customers from potentially losing their files. Pieces of files should be stored on physically different locations, not more than one piece in the same location.


Please run each node in a different physical location, not all in the same PC or even on different PCs in the same house. If you run multiple nodes in the same location, they will be treated as if they were one single node, and you will not end up with any more data than if you ran a single node.

Pretty bold to ask on the Storj forum about how to circumvent the rules.

Just for some clarification, this measure isn’t just in place to limit how much data everyone can get, but to ensure customer data is spread out over different independent locations. This ensures that when a location or system goes offline, there will always be others that can still serve the data.

So having many nodes on one PC is detrimental to the network. And because of that, steps have been taken to also not make it beneficial to node operators. The only valid reason is if you want to share more than one HDD. But as you’ve noted, the incoming data will still be split.


Common let’s be real here. You are asking how to cheat the system.


101 How to ask to cheat without actually asking how to cheat…

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Why didn’t I see the same response to those who run vps systems to achieve the same end?


As opposed to those who run vps systems to achieve the same end?

So you are still asking how to cheat the system?


The forum is full of multinode operators that run the machines in 1 location, aka full of “cheaters”. The problem with his post is not the end result of his endevour, but the way he is asking for info.
I understand the officials attitude, but let’s be fair here and cut him some slack. Many of us do the same thing he is looking for.

You can run nodes in one location, but without trying to circumvent the way all nodes are treated as a single node. The fact that other SNOs exist that are already breaking our ToS by employing exploits to pretend their nodes are not actually all in the same location, does not mean that we should condone this behaviour and cut those people slack. They are in fact cheaters, no need for quotation marks.
Please remember that if due to your ignoring the ToS in order to have short time extra profits for yourself, our customers start losing files, in the end you are just negatively affecting all SNO´s income eventually if we can no longer claim that this network is rock solid and files are never lost.


Thank you for coming out and saying this now Heunland, but why hasn’t Storj taken this approach previously? Please, try to be consistent.

Please link to any posts where we ever have encouraged SNOs to use exploits in order to run multiple nodes in the same location. I do not see why you insinuate that we have changed our approach. We have never condoned anyone ignoring our ToS for fun and profit.

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If someone is behind a NAT and requires VPS/VPN to run a node, we assist with this. We also know that some people run these to have different IP ranges and cheat the system. But we don’t advocate that behavior.