Muliple nodes, a total of 16 nodes on one IP

To be fair, it hurts to see somebody calling me a cheater.
I have asked several times on the Storj position over /24 limitation, most recently here, with no luck to get answer. There was full thread about this without official position against that.
I understand what is written in ToS. But these are the first posts known to me, where Storjling writes something against.
Maybe it is just me, but in two years I am here, all the time I had a feeling this is quietly tolerated, because these operators have skin in the project. Investing much more time, than just spinning one node, paying VPSs to provide the service and surely most of them has better HW to run the nodes. They have the skill and can get bigger with the network demand.
I know we have enough of data storage now, even with small home operators, but what brings the future? I just though, this will be resolved in a way, that you will be able to earn something worth the invested time in the long run.
Actually, I care about this as I care on price for stored TB, because earnings comes from price and number TB stored.