Muliple nodes, a total of 16 nodes on one IP

So we’re finally on the same page, concluding:

  • ToS essentially doesn’t say any physical location should be bound to no more than one IP (actually rather the opposite, if we choose to comply to article 5.4 and also decided to run more than one storage node); although it would be more in the Storj-decentralization-spirit if it was in the ToS?
  • So there is also no evasion of a /24-“rule” using VPN or anything alike, because this rule actually doesn’t exist in the ToS. And the ToS doesn’t explicitly demand anything with respect to the environment the unmodified storage node software runs in? Although, it would also be more in the Storj-spirit if it was and also creates an unequal play field in comparison to them who aren’t apt enough to work out the same or comparable solution.

I had the option to route all nodes over the same VPN, but it would take some more time to configure. Besides I read the ToS to the letter, concluding it didn’t forbid using multiple VPNs and I did like the side effect of more ingress. So there was a choice, which turned out to be quite simple in the end.

Although appreciating their tons of work for the Storj-project and honoring their credits, in the end I hope people like @littleskunk and @heunland will revisit their expressions on people said being cheating or being bold. And @Alexey revisiting the threat of banning nodes due to so-called /24-“rule” evasion, which isn’t backed-up by the real ToS; which is overzealous being mentioned in this matter anyway as far as I can see. Feeling with @mihalko , a lot of people are being treated unfair that way. Because the ToS has been neglected for a while in my opinion (intention to change ToS apparently dates back to 2020) and isn’t aligned with current demands and spirit of the Storj-project, while people are often judged by whether they act in the spirit of Storj even if that’s not in their best interest.

So please, abstain from overzealous ToS-references and make sure it’s updated and keep it up-to-date; in which I don’t care whether VPN’s or anything alike (VPS + iSCSI, whatever) are being condoned or condemned. But create clarity on the matter.

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