Multinode Dashboard Docker image

Hello @dassggfdgfdgfdg,
Welcome to the forum!

I have tried:

docker run -it --rm -p 15003:15002 -v multinode-identity:/app/identity -v multinode-config:/app/config storjlabs/multinode:latest

and it works:

What paths do you map to where if converting from a traditional install to containerized? I see that there’s /app/identity and /app/config, but are you supposed to flatten out the identity/multinode directory?

You may mount them as well. I used a docker volumes for that.
So, the command would be like this:

docker run -it --rm -p 15003:15002 -v /mnt/storj/multinode/identity:/app/identity -v /mnt/storj/multinode/config:/app/config storjlabs/multinode:latest

However, the :latest is outdated… But you may specify the correct tag directly. You can take the latest one from the Docker Hub.

Hmm, node info should be in the master.db, right? I copied that over and it still asks me to add my first node. I notice it created master.db-shm and master.db-wal - is there something I have to do to migrate?

Got it working. Issue was that I had replaced the file while it was still running.

I also created a helm chart for it. It’s a little janky since it has an initial step to upload identity and db, but other than that it should be fine.

Come to think of it, do you actually need identity for the multinode dashboard?

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No, but it’s used the shared code, which requires it. So, yes and no :slight_smile: