Multinode dashboard stays white after starting


I’m having an issue with the multinode dashboard. I was running an older version without any problems. The past days, I noticed my nodes had lots of bad online times ( because of the bad DDNS Service I choosed in the past (I entered my IP-Adress directly to test it, and there were no problems 100% online time). So I switched to no-ip which my other node is running fine since day one. After stopping, and restarting the nodes (docker) with the new DDNS-Adress, my multinode dashboard stayed white when trying to open it in the browser. Not even the empty dashboard or something. Is it because the multinode dashboard tries to open the nodes via the old DDNS-Adress? Do I really have to install it from scratch? I also downloaded the latest version, extracted it and made it executable with cmod, and ran it. The issue stays the same unfortunately. I hope somebody can help me out. Thanks.

If you added the node by DDNS address it will be trying to reach node at DDNS address.

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I want to delete the nodes, of which I changed the DDNS, from the multinode dashboard. But unfortunately, the site stays white and wont load. When killing the multinode dashboard process, it says “connection refuses” which means the dashboard is “working”, but not loading the gui, just white.

What time do you wait? I can tell from the fact my multinode page stays white longer than usual, whether there are nodes offline. But takes less than 30s per offline node.

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The nodes information is in master.db. You can edit it with for example.


How can I edit the nodes? I tried it with notepad++ before, but it malformed the DB.

It takes around forever, when I’m finally in the dasboard and want to delete one node to add it with the right adress again, it takes forever too. Lets say around 10 Minutes per action.

take a look into the debug console of your browser and look for timeouts etc. And in the console output of you multinode software. It prints errors too

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It said how in the post right above yours.

I know, with the programm he told me, I also added the screenshot of it, for some reason the entries are empty. It’s the first time I’m doing DBs.

Are you opening the correct db file? It shall be deep under .local/… folder

You may also:

  1. Stop the multinode dashboard
  2. Delete the master.db, by default it’s in the %AppData%\Storj\Multinode folder on Windows and in the ~/.local/share/storj/multinode/ folder on Linux.
  3. Prepare information from your nodes in a json format, you may also create a json array:
$ docker exec -it storagenode1 ./storagenode info --config-dir config --json | jq '.publicAddress="" > node1.json
$ docker exec -it storagenode2 ./storagenode info --config-dir config --json | jq '.publicAddress="" > node2.json
$ docker exec -it storagenode3 ./storagenode info --config-dir config --json | jq '.publicAddress="" > node3.json
  1. Join all json files to the json array
$ jq '.' -s node1.json node2.json node3.json > nodes.json
  1. Add all nodes:
$ ./multinode add nodes.json

Thank you, I’ll try that, I found out due to my experiment with notepad++ which malformed my DB, I wasn’t able do edit the DB with the sqlitebrowser software.

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