My egress has dropped significantly over the past few days

I like most, have also seen a recent decrease. Keep in mind that the dashboard shows egress as a combination of egress and repair egress.

Looking at my graphs, the decrease was seen across all nodes, but most noticeably on my two oldest nodes (pink and purple in the graphs):

Note: this is a graph from the past 22 days

Looking at the “by Satellite” graphs, I can see two clear changes in traffic patterns:

  1. Drop in Saltlake egress (yellow), which happened right at 22:00 (GMT -4) on 22Sep
  2. Lower Europe-North repair egress (green)

Note: same time frame, past 22 days

Point #1 is clearly confirmed on the following page: Grafana
Which shows a clear drop in Saltlake egress:

The to remind everyone, this is not mining, and there is no guarantee that traffic patterns will remain stable. In fact, the only constant in Storj is change (paraphrasing Heraclitus). Lastly, keep in mind that Saltlake (and Europe-North) are both storj test satellites, and traffic patterns are even more likely to fluctuate as tests are started and finished (i.e. why that big drop in egress from Saltlake right at 22:00 on 22Sep…)

Hope this helps confirm that the traffic pattern is not unique to your node(s), and there’s nothing to worry about as long as your online and audit scores remain high.