My first node does not work

Just troubleshoot first your connection from VM to Pi nc works well.
Check your routing tables on VM that network of Pi can be reached. When established you can check with third machine if portforwarding works. If youre not familiar with networking your setup is a pain in the a, but with patience you can do it. Follow the guides step by step check if you didn’t miss out anything

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After a lot of trial and error I installed wireguard through PiVPN on my VPS and used the iptables from @arrogantrabbit (thanks for that!)
What did the trick perhaps was creating a brand new Oracle instance with public IPv6.
My first storagenode is up and running!

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Congrats IPv6 does the trick on DS lite ISP🫠
Happy storjing

Now on to my next problem: the connection is very slow. speedtest-cli on the oracle VPS is 48Mbit/s down and 41Mbit/s up with 8ms latency.

When i run speedtest-cli on my raspberry it’s only 0.24Mbit/s down and 0.42Mbit/s up with 4200ms latency.

When I ping the server form the raspberry it takes under 3ms so the distance between those is not the problem.
Is there any wireguard trick to reduce the bottleneck?

Which VPS did you pick? They have also external bandwidth limitations. How is your Pi connected to router?

VPS is oracle cloud, 0.48Gbps up and down.
The Pi is connected via ethernet to the router and the latency is under 1ms

I read that MTU limitations might be a problem. Perhaps I need an iptables entry such as this:
iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -j TCPMSS --clamp-mss-to-pmtu

Micro has only 50Mbit public Network

MTU setting on the server was 1420.
After setting MTU = 1400 on the client I am seeing no enormous bottleneck anymore with the speedtest. I now reach >40Mbit/s and I hope that won’t limit the storagenode ingress.

I will optimize MTU further on both server and client.
How much ingress can I expect to get in Switzerland in 1 day during the vetting phase? And what about afterwards?

In EU, vetting takes under a month for all sats. Afterwards, it depends on clients. Last month I got 250GB stored per IP.


I think it would be reasonable to expect to fill a 10TB drive in 2-3 years.