Hello, I have a Raspberry Pi 3B+ lying around at home doing some other stuff and I have an unused 2TB HDD.
The Pi is connected to a VPN (openVPN, the server is an oracle cloud VM).
I have followed the official guide for creating the node and I ran this docker command:
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --stop-timeout 300 -p 28980:28980/tcp -p 28980:28980/udp -p 14003:14003 -e WALLET=“” -e EMAIL="ilcobradelpass@gmail.com" -e ADDRESS=“:28980” -e STORAGE=“1.7TB” --mount type=bind,source=“/home/pi/StorjIdentity/Storj/Identity/storagenode/”,destination=/app/identity --mount type=bind,source=“/mnt/StorjFiles/”,destination=/app/config --name storagenode storjlabs/storagenode:latest --operator.wallet-features=zksync-era
However, when I inspect the logs i see a lot of errors like this:
2025-02-04T12:19:10Z ERROR contact:service ping satellite failed {“Process”: “storagenode”, “Satellite ID”: “12L9ZFwhzVpuEKMUNUqkaTLGzwY9G24tbiigLiXpmZWKwmcNDDs”, “attempts”: 1, “error”: “ping satellite: failed to ping storage node, your node indicated error code: 0, rpc: tcp connector failed: rpc: dial tcp :28980: connect: no route to host”, “errorVerbose”: “ping satellite: failed to ping storage node, your node indicated error code: 0, rpc: tcp connector failed: rpc: dial tcp :28980: connect: no route to host\n\tstorj.io/storj/storagenode/contact.(*Service).pingSatelliteOnce:209\n\tstorj.io/storj/storagenode/contact.(*Service).pingSatellite:157\n\tstorj.io/storj/storagenode/contact.(*Chore).updateCycles.func1:87\n\tstorj.io/common/sync2.(*Cycle).Run:163\n\tstorj.io/common/sync2.(*Cycle).Start.func1:77\n\tgolang.org/x/sync/errgroup.(*Group).Go.func1:78”}
I have tried to ping the satellite with:
ping eu1.storj.io and I get a normal response
But when I try to check for my open port in the open port tool it says that port 28980 is not open.
On the oracle VM I have allowed TCP and UDP port 28980.
I am a little lost
They just kicked me out blocked account I cannot sign up anymore. And support does not tell me a thing I should have met the minimum requirement of .25 average load.
Maybe as a free tier user one should avoid to use resources with limited availability like ARM instances? I never used ARM and I never had any problems.
Thanks for the link I’ll try to set it up through wireguard although I use a docker command for storj and do not have a TrueNAS (and have no idea what a jail is in that context), so might be more tricky than just following a guide step by step
Thanks, unfortunately I am not able to ping the server from the client or the client from the server, even before doing either iptables or firewall-cmd.
I also tried to follow this guide: https://github.com/ChristianLempa/videos/tree/main/wireguard-on-linux
Since he does not have a TrueNAS but a “normal” linux machine I thought it would be closer to my rapsberry pi but I can’t ping server or client either.
I seem to be the only one not able to just follow the guide and have a working solution
I installed PiVPN on the Oracle VM (with wireguard) and the server and client can ping each other. From the client I can now ping any ip address as well as domain names but only with IPv4.
ping -4 google.com works but ping google.com does not
When I run storj I still get the same error as above, although now for the first time I can ping eu1.storj.io (even without the -4 flag weirdly enough)