My node has been displaying offline

Excuse me, my node has been displaying offline since it was updated to 1.78. I also received an email saying how to solve my node’s suspension. I tried to redeploy it, but it didn’t work.

Your node might be offline because no satellite has been able to reach it. You have to check your logs to see what is happening


if i try to reach your node, with this ip, port is closed.
Do you use static ip or some sort of DDNS or vpn?
Also your pc in local network have static ip or dhcp form router, if dhct then check that ip mach port forward in router.

docker logs storagenode result

My node is deployed on vps, and the server doesn’t have a firewall.

It’s usually enabled on the provider’s level. So please check a firewall for your subnet.
Please check also your public IP, if it has changed, you need to update your ADDRESS option with a new one.
If you also run a VPN on your server - try to stop it.