My node is running 24/7 but the uptime is decreasing slowly!

so i was looking at my uptime this morning and was a bit surprised that it wasn’t at 100%
but i know exactly what happened… a couple of days ago i wanted to use a port in a network switch which the server was using… and due to me being a pro and not having labeled my patch cables :smiley:
i had to figure out what went where… so i pulled up a docker log for a storage node and pulled a random cable…

ended up with maybe 30 sec of downtime for the storagenode before i found the cable i was looking for, that gave me this… which seemed a bit over the top imo

so did a bit of math on it, calculating that if it counts over 72 hours (duno that it does)
then i would have been registered as being offline from 25-75 seconds

so all in all i can say, the online score is extremely sensitive, most likely running over 72hour periods according to the number i got anyways.
and so even brief disconnects will be registered…

was helping out one guy recently which ended up figuring out that it was his ddns that took up to 10 minutes to update and because his isp would renew his ip address every day, that would give him a bit of downtime on the online score…

but should be fine if it doesn’t drop to low… and ofc it takes like 288 hours of downtime to get suspended atm… so the online score is a good indicator of small issues, but not really anything to worry about…

also will be interesting to see how long it takes for my online score to recover… because i know i was not offline for more than 30sec maybe 60

anyways good luck, hope some of you can find this ramble useful for identifying your problems