I also have this problem, 6 hours ago my node went offline and I don’t understand why. My node is on RHEL 8.
Please, use this checklist:
It should connect in seconds. There are a few things you should check.
Start with checking the port. On https://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/?port=28967 you can fill in the domain or IP you are using in the run command. Then check the port.
If it’s closed, it could still be several things.
Make sure the WAN IP you see in your router settings matches the IP shown on the above page.
Make sure your port forward is set up correctly. That means no filter on incoming IPs, forwarding to th…
Also, take a look on: Topics tagged centos
Thank you for the answer, I made the cheks and I obtain these messages:
Please, make sure that the ADDRESS is with address and port. If you use the DDNS name there, then put this DDNS name to the “Remote Address” filed instead of IP on yourgetsignal.
Please, check the firewall: