My nodes are all at 0.33.4 did the Docker update via watchtower fail?

Have somebody already successful node update via watchtower to v0.34.6 ?

It’s a slow update. Just check if your watchtower is working fine. You don’t need to push the update.

Ok will wait for update

May be problem with url in It points to current 33.4 binary. Storjlabs was noticed.

the new image does not seem to be on docker hub yet, I just tried a manual update. Some more patience needed it seems…

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Docker images updating after Windows node afaik. But Windows nodes stale because bad link.

There are new builds on Docker but the beta tag has not been updated. For example, I can see the tag 03cf849b-v0.34.6-go1.13.8 was pushed yesterday. I assume this is done so that the new build is ready to go, but watchtower following the beta tag won’t auto-update. :man_shrugging:

No, this is regular builds that not indeed to distribute to SNO.
Just wait to fix Windows updaters (now fixed), when win node actualy updated at 80% or 100% of all win nodes, then submitting docker images.

On win and on 0.34.6

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see a difference in logged successrate?

good question, I haven’t looked at the logs in details but se a fair amount of failures or “race lost”. But this not is only vetted on the saltlake satellite I believe .

More curious to see what the difference will be on new version between upload failed and upload cancelled (balance between). Mostly curious to see what impact, if any, it will have on my abysmal upload success rate, which is running between 4-5% since the V0.31.XX update(s). Prior to that update I was running at somewhere between 40-60% upload successrate.

Keep in mind the success rate script needs an update because of new log terminology. I have an update waiting, but my node is running on docker and hasn’t been updated yet and I want to test it first. The old script would not count cancelled log lines, so it would show success rates near 100%.


I see. This is what I digged out from the logs, if that could help?
PS C:\Users\xxx> Get-Content “$env:ProgramFiles/Storj/Storage Node/storagenode.log” | Select-String -Pattern “download canceled” | Measure-Object

Count : 1
Average :
Sum :
Maximum :
Minimum :
Property :

PS C:\Users\xxx> Get-Content “$env:ProgramFiles/Storj/Storage Node/storagenode.log” | Select-String -Pattern “upload canceled” | Measure-Object

Count : 896
Average :
Sum :
Maximum :
Minimum :
Property :

Thanks, that confirms I changed my script with correct terminology. I’ll put the update on github as soon as I’ve updated and tested.

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