Native Tardigrade integration for Duplicati

Ok thank you for the feedback. I will double check that.

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Thanks to the native implementation I decided to replace FreeFileSync to back up files with Duplicati.

Though I at first struggled a little bit to find the good option for me, one of which is to reduce zip-compression-level to avoid my computer from freezing, Duplicati looks to me a far rational choice. Since I am not familiar with a command line, having a GUI to schedule backing up is the decisive point.

I have already set up five tasks to back up files on Tardigrade! Please keep up the nice work, team :slight_smile:


@littleskunk Did you found out which version from Duplicati have the Tardigrade implementation?

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@jensamberg So far I can only confirm that the duplicati/duplicati docker image is strange. After starting the container I am unable to use the web interface. All drop down menus are empty. I have the feeling the docker container is downloading something in the background and after a few minutes I can start using it but the tardigrade connector is missing. I am not sure how the docker container works. I am also not sure why there is a difference to the linuxserver/duplicati image. If the version would be broken I would expect both images to fail. One of them is working and one is not :confused:

@TopperDEL do you have any ideas?

Here are my docker run command

docker run \
--rm \
--name duplicati \
--volume /mnt/ssd/duplicati:/config \
--volume /mnt/ssd/myfiles:/backup \
--publish 8200:8200 \

docker run \
--rm \
--name duplicati \
--volume /mnt/ssd/duplicati-data:/data \
--volume /mnt/ssd/myfiles:/backup \
--publish 8200:8200 \
duplicati/duplicati:canary \
duplicati-server \
--webservice-port=8200 \
--webservice-interface=* \
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This happens to me too, sometimes it also happens during normal runtime and in a few hours it might be accessible again or a container restart is required. However, the container still works in the background and does all my backups. It never missed an execution, even though the frontend was unavailable.

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Same for me. It takes 5 seconds switching after login from English to German e.g.

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@littleskunk i wil try the linuxserver container.

@TopperDEL Thanks great work. I have one suggestion. Is it possible to implent a double check of the encryption password?

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I’m running Version: - from a Docker instance and Tardigrade isn’t on the dropdown list.

In System properties, I see it referenced here:

* backendgroups : {"std":{"ftp":null,"ssh":null,"webdav":null,"openstack":"OpenStack Object Storage / Swift","s3":"S3 Compatible","aftp":"FTP (Alternative)"},"local":{"file":null},"prop":{"s3":null,"azure":null,"googledrive":null,"onedrive":null,"onedrivev2":null,"sharepoint":null,"msgroup":null,"cloudfiles":null,"gcs":null,"openstack":null,"hubic":null,"b2":null,"mega":null,"box":null,"od4b":null,"mssp":null,"dropbox":null,"sia":null,"tardigrade":null,"jottacloud":null,"rclone":null,"cos":null}}
* GroupTypes : ["Local storage","Standard protocols","Proprietary","Others"]
* Backend modules: aftp azure b2 box cloudfiles dropbox ftp file googledrive gcs hubic jottacloud mega msgroup onedrivev2 sharepoint openstack rclone s3 ssh od4b mssp sia tahoe cos webdav
* Compression modules: zip 7z
* Encryption modules: aes gpg

Running help from CLI says:

(base) StoneBLMBPro-15:~ $ docker run --rm duplicati/duplicati:canary  duplicati-cli help tardigrade
Topic not found: tardigrade

See duplicati.commandline.exe help <topic> for more information.
  General: example, changelog
  Commands: backup, find, restore, delete, compact, test, compare, purge,
  Repair: repair, affected, list-broken-files, purge-broken-files
  Debug: debug, logging, create-report, test-filters, system-info, send-mail
  Targets: aftp, azure, b2, box, cloudfiles, dropbox, ftp, file, googledrive,
  gcs, hubic, jottacloud, mega, msgroup, onedrivev2, sharepoint, openstack,
  rclone, s3, ssh, od4b, mssp, sia, tahoe, cos, webdav
  Modules: aes, gpg, zip, 7z, console-password-input, mssql-options,
  hyperv-options, http-options, sendhttp, sendmail, runscript, sendxmpp,
  Formats: date, time, size, encryption, compression
  Advanced: mail, advanced, returncodes, filter, filter-groups, <option>              Version:  -

This post on duplicati suggests a library update may have broken the August canary (what is mono-complete?):

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You can get the same version from linuxserver/duplicati and it will work. I don’t know what the problem with the docker image is but why does it affect only 1 out of 2 docker images?

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I cannot add much to that discussion, I assume @littleskunk, as I do not know anything about Docker and the images. But the mentioned issue from duplicati seems to fit quite good. Duplicati just recently (and also due to the way the Tardigrade-Backend was implemented) switched to a higher .Net-Version. That also lead to the need for a different Mono-version, so that might be the issue here. If the Tardigrade-Backend-DLL could not be loaded (due to a missing .Net/Mono-Version), the Backend would effectively not get shown by the frontend.

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The double-check of the encryption password is a very nice feature suggestion! I totally missed that.
Yep, I will add it. Thanks!


I suspect this is it also. That’s the issue in the link I posted in my comment above. I successfully install Duplicati client (non-Docker) which required the Mono upgrade and that works. I haven’t retried Docker again to see it it was affected.

I’ll just stand by for the git hub issue to be resolved and grab the next canary version.

@stonematt For security reasons I would recommend to use the docker image from linuxserver anyway. It allows you to run duplicati as a non root user. That doesn’t matter too much but if I have the choice to limit the potential damage by executing just 2 additional commands I would be stupid to not take it.

The linuxserver image is not affected and you can play around with it without having to wait.

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We would love to get some feedback from our community. Is the documentation on point? Anything missing in the documentation? Any bugs that we might have missed?

I’ve installed duplicati and tried to configure a backup with tardigrade but ended up that dosen’t work on ARM, maybe it’s something that you can warn on the guide.
More info available here

I am currently at enhancing the native duplicati integration. ARM-support unfortunately cannot be done very soon due to this. Basically there is currently no way to compile a go-library to ARM while using a c-compiler.

But I’ll try to add some checks within duplicati to better catch that error and inform the user. Meanwhile maybe @littleskunk can extend the official documentation on this one (inform the users that ARM/ARM64 is currently not supported with duplicati)?