I did a restart due to a firmware upgrade.
I was told on the forum restarts would be fine, okay.
But now my docker is not running anything.
What it shows:
docker ps -a
Oh it’s still there.
I’m still not used to docker.
What it shows:
docker ps -a
lol, I’m slow today.
cebcb1ae3ef8 d8ef6da404c1 "/entrypoint" 6 weeks ago Exited (0) 28 minutes ago storagenode
How do I restart this thing?
docker stop -t 300 storagenode
docker rm storagenode
Nononononono, I’m not going to remove it.
# docker start storagenode
Error response from daemon: invalid mount config for type "bind": bind source path does not exist: /root/.local/share/storj/identity/storagenode
Error: failed to start containers: storagenode
OK, don’t panic
docker restart -t 300 storagenode
# docker restart -t 300 storagenode
Error response from daemon: Cannot restart container storagenode:
OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:367:
starting container process caused: process_linux.go:495:
container init caused: rootfs_linux.go:60:
mounting "/root/.local/share/storj/identity/storagenode"
to rootfs at "/app/identity" caused:
stat /root/.local/share/storj/identity/storagenode:
no such file or directory: unknown
ls -la /root/.local/share/storj/identity/storagenode
It’s not there. It’s at some other place. Let me refind it.
history | grep "docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --stop"
6 docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --stop-timeout 300
-p 28967:28967 -p 14002:14002 -e WALLET="" -e EMAIL="user@example.com" -e ADDRESS="domain.ddns.net:28967" -e STORAGE="2TB" --mount type=bind,source="/home/folaht/Stohrje/identity",destination=/app/identity --mount type=bind,source="/Volume/storagenode",destination=/app/config
Wait, that’s what I tried a few minutes ago and didn’t run.
There’s no previous of that.
# ls -lah /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/Public/storagenode
total 32K
drwxrwxrwx 2 admin administrators 4.0K 2021-03-16 13:49 ./
drwxrwxrwx 8 admin administrators 4.0K 2021-05-02 07:37 ../
-rw-rw-rw- 1 admin administrators 562 2021-03-16 09:40 ca.1615884001.cert
-rw-rw-rw- 1 admin administrators 1.1K 2021-03-16 09:40 ca.cert
-rw-rw-rw- 1 admin administrators 241 2021-03-16 09:36 ca.key
-rw-rw-rw- 1 admin administrators 1.1K 2021-03-16 09:40 identity.1615884001.cert
-rw-rw-rw- 1 admin administrators 1.6K 2021-03-16 09:40 identity.cert
-rw-rw-rw- 1 admin administrators 241 2021-03-16 09:40 identity.key
Run the command line 6 again:
Can’t do. That’s not the old command I used to run the storage node.
--mount type=bind,source="/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/Public/storagenode",destination=/app/identity
I think it has restarted again.
It’s back!!!
What I did:
# mkdir -p /root/.local/share/storj/identity
# cp -rf /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/Public/storagenode /root/.local/share/storj/identity
# docker restart -t 300 storagenode
This is like QNAP ?
Check it works
Save this “docker run …” command to a .txt file for future reference
Looks like I lost all my download and traffic history, but the all the storage and payout information is still there.
Yeah thanks.
I think what happened is is that last time I could not figure out where to put my identity files, so it was all over the place.
I had it stored in twenty locations and once I had it running I started deleting all the folders where I was sure Storj was not getting them from.
I guess I was wrong.
Are you sure the data is here? or a different path?