New changes to vetting or?

Hallo - i have a very new node that is over a week old - so very new. i have been monitoring the vetting status of it - and saw that very fast EU got vetted - i am based in EU.

but even tho i get data on all satelites they dont get audits, any reason why or am i just impatient?

Give it some more time, vetting in my experience always takes longer for US1, and some more after that for AP1, but it will get there eventually. You will probably start getting audits for US1 in a week or two.

Last node that I started took about 35 days (since created) to be fully vetted in US1, but the vetting time will vary depending on network conditions (e.g. lots of unvetted nodes in the network, multiple unvetted nodes in the same /24 IP, etc).


Thanks, i Will just give it more time, was just wondering How some gets more audits than others

I think your decision to just be patient is the right one. It’s exciting to set things up and see space begin to get used… but then it’s kinda like watching paint dry. I knew it would take awhile to clear vetting… and 9 months to reach full payouts… so I just had to learn to chill :slight_smile:

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The same happened to me. I’m also in North America. I had about 700 vetting on EU1 when US1 started the vetting process. It took 3 weeks+ for my node to start the vetting on US1. Even then, the vetting process (# of audits per day) seems slower on US1 than it was on EU1 (I haven’t looked at the data, just my impression).

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