Thank you Jocelyn. Yes, I checked directly the dashboard. I don’t know what happened, but after the last order sent, the node just stopped to receive new activities at this time. Before I stopped and restart the node, the dashboard was just showing the node “online”, and nothing about disqualification or any issue (also, the node was just checking the version normally, but nothing else, while my other node was working normally). Then, I restarted, and now, the node stayed in “offline” status… I rebooted the router, the computer, … it has been offline for one hour at teast.
About uptime, I guess I better to start another node because of the first 24h offline, if that uptime counter is not reset in the next updates and if the node is still offline tomorrow ?
I wanted change the internal address or port, because, I was trying to run this node on the other ethernet interface (I have two ports, 1x intel and 1x realtek ethernet device), which connect to another router and another Internet connection and ip. It was working these last days, so I assumed it works, but both nodes were using the same internal ip. But I used “-p -p” hoping it uses my another internet interface. It has its own unique identity as well. Well, I guess it was working properly, because the traffic was transiting through the other internet connection (and on Windows, on the other ethernet card as it shows well in the task manager GUI). I know its better to run on a separate hardware, but the current hard drives are connected on the same machine, and that machine is also the most secured in home with a UPS backup. I was trying this option before I think about buying a mini dedicated hardware like the Pi 4, and because I wish use myself that second hardware simply on my Windows machine. Also, each node has a dedicated hard drive. Performance is not a problem.
EDIT: I stopped the first node, and relaunched the second, and it went back online again… I think my setting is just not working fine, because I’m using/sharing maybe the same private internal address, which is probably a very bad thing, I guess? I’m not sure that the internal address is connecting to my second ehternet interface, and I didn’t found a way to change it (tried to change the port by 7779 in the settings toi avoid that kind of conflict, or replace by the which is my second local ip (the first one/default one associated to another router is, both failed, and I read 7778 is hardcoded)… I might probably better to stop that second node maybe… It is also working slower than the first one, but the connection speed is quite the same, I don’t know if its because the node is new/low reputation or if its actually not working at all and splitting the data between the two nodes, and not working like a standalone node, which was my goal, but I think the internal address/port could be the problem if is using the default card and, sometimes, a conflict happens and put down the internal server of a node ?..
Well, sorry, its actually my fault to set the things like that… At least, with a proper identity for each node, I hope they are working individually and not dividing the data like if I had installed two nodes behind the same internet connection, which is not the case and not that I wanted, but legitimately drive the traffic of this new node to the other internet connection, like a standalone.