New Operator here: Help me to understand the payout mechanism? My "cents" from my first month is missing

I started my node begin of january, and it seems I profit 0.17$. I understand i will not received because of the gas rule, as I am using ETH wallet.

But when i see the estimation of this month, my $0.17 is not there.
Now I am confused where my accumulated payout is.

I also tried the, screenshot below.

What is wrong? or I am doing something wrong?

It may just be because the Jan payouts haven’t been finalized and sent out yet… so it doesn’t know what your “Undistributed payout” actually is. They’ll probably be sent in the next couple days… so I’d check again then.


Payout is happening in the first two weeks of every month, when it’s finished, the satellites will send a receipt to each node, then the payout information will be updated with actual numbers. Before that there is only estimation.

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