New user, want to ask for guidance and tips :)

Welcome to the project and the forums!

I’ll just jump straight into answering your questions as best I can.

  1. It can be. The network is still in beta and the past few days upload tests have not been active and most of the network uploads in grand scale. Another thing to note is that if your node is new, it has to undergo vetting before it gets trusted with more data. So 272MB in 2 days isn’t half bad considering those two factors.
  2. is for the deprecated V2 network, not V3 so you won’t find your node on there.
  3. That would be a negative. The upload priority is based primarily on reputation but there is still a bit of random selection involved. However the more space and bandwidth you have available for the node to use, the more you can earn in the long run.
  4. I use Node Connection Tracker and a custom modified version of Script: Calculate Success Rates for Audit, Download, Upload, Repair in addition to monitoring the system via NetData for my node, but there are a few who use Zabbix or other such solutions on the forums. I also use to monitor the outside uptime.

Extra Note: I recommend not setting your bandwidth to 10PB if you don’t actually have the ability to fulfill that as it can get your node disqualified during periods of heavy testing/network use. I recommend putting your download+upload speed in there, take the value it gives for a month, and divide by your preferred bandwidth allocation (how much of your total speed do you want to allocate in other words). I recommend not giving it a bandwidth allocation higher than 70% if your download and upload combined are not above 200Mbps and you want to use your internet connection for other things.

Again, Welcome to the project and the forums. Feel free to ask any further questions and I’ll do my best to answer them.
