No accruals for September

Hi all!

I discovered that all nodes do not show information about accruals for the month of September. Is this normal at the moment or should I be worried?


Its a new month, wait for satellites to calculate all the data and show it.


Yes it’s a new month, however usually it showed an estimation until it would be replaced with the actual values from the satellites. I suspect a bug.


I can confirm, this is a bug. I created an issue: Storagenode displays 0 estimation when different satellites pay at different time · Issue #6373 · storj/storj · GitHub

The problem is with EU North satellite (under decommissioning). Due to the decommissioning process, it already paid for 2023-09. As of today this is the only payment for 2023-09, and this is what you see when you open the payout information and select September.

The Storagenode console can either display the payments OR display the estimate. But it couldn’t combine estimation (for main satellites) and payment numbers (for EUN) as of today.

The easiest workaround is avoid using the full summary (all satellites) for now. You can choose your satellite at the top of the page, and it will show the right estimation (as it’s very clear that there is no payment from that specific satellite)

This will be fixed (short-term) when the main production satellites will pay for September (can be expected until 15th of October). Long-term fix is changing the code, using better calculation.


It is very uncomfortable. Especially if there is more than one node. But there is nothing to do.
Could this be fixed in the future? Perhaps this situation could happen again.

Could this be fixed in the future?

Definitely. That’s why I created the issue. (I hope it can be prioritized for the near future…)