No arm32 docker image for latest or beta tags

It seems that the “latest” and “beta” tags do not have a linux/arm/v7 manifest.
Unfortunately I deleted all docker images while trying to update to latest version and now my node cannot start as it can’t pull the docker image.
This is a pressing issue for me right now. What is the tag for the previous working docker image for arm32 that I can use to start up my node?

You can pull by digest, this is my v1.49.5 version

REPOSITORY              TAG       DIGEST                                                                    IMAGE ID       CREATED       SIZE
storjlabs/storagenode   latest    sha256:4453c04c31a4d1f9d2cde1def7c060167839e40ad47c3b85773cf0feea447d97   7f53bb91e460   4 weeks ago   34.1MB

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Support gave me the same answer and it worked.

did they tell you why the armv7 image is missing for the latest version ?

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