Your node has been disqualified on 118UWpMCHzs6CvSgWd9BfFVjw5K9pZbJjkfZJexMtSkmKxvvAW 1wFTAgs9DP5RSnCqKV1eLf6N9wtk4EAtmN5DpSxcs8EjT69tGE 121RTSDpyNZVcEU84Ticf2L1ntiuUimbWgfATz21tuvgk3vzoA6 12EayRS2V1kEsWESU9QMRseFhdxYxKicsiFmxrsLZHeLUtdps3S 12L9ZFwhzVpuEKMUNUqkaTLGzwY9G24tbiigLiXpmZWKwmcNDDs. If you have any questions regarding this please check our Node Operators thread on Storj forum.
My hd is died and set up again de node!!
what happend now!
Thank you!!
storj@storj-desktop:~$ sudo docker logs --tail 20 storagenode
[sudo] contraseña para storj:
2020-02-23T02:43:31.498Z INFO orders.12L9ZFwhzVpuEKMUNUqkaTLGzwY9G24tbiigLiXpmZWKwmcNDDs sending {“count”: 15}
2020-02-23T02:43:33.116Z INFO orders.12L9ZFwhzVpuEKMUNUqkaTLGzwY9G24tbiigLiXpmZWKwmcNDDs finished
2020-02-23T02:54:25.510Z INFO version running on version v0.33.4
2020-02-23T03:09:25.511Z INFO version running on version v0.33.4
2020-02-23T03:24:25.511Z INFO version running on version v0.33.4
2020-02-23T03:39:24.955Z INFO bandwidth Performing bandwidth usage rollups
2020-02-23T03:39:25.512Z INFO version running on version v0.33.4
2020-02-23T03:54:25.513Z INFO version running on version v0.33.4
2020-02-23T04:09:25.516Z INFO version running on version v0.33.4
2020-02-23T04:24:25.508Z INFO version running on version v0.33.4
2020-02-23T04:39:24.955Z INFO bandwidth Performing bandwidth usage rollups
2020-02-23T04:39:25.509Z INFO version running on version v0.33.4
2020-02-23T04:54:25.520Z INFO version running on version v0.33.4
2020-02-23T05:09:25.511Z INFO version running on version v0.33.4
2020-02-23T05:24:25.510Z INFO version running on version v0.33.4
2020-02-23T05:39:24.955Z INFO bandwidth Performing bandwidth usage rollups
2020-02-23T05:39:25.509Z INFO version running on version v0.33.4
2020-02-23T05:54:25.509Z INFO version running on version v0.33.4
2020-02-23T06:09:25.524Z INFO version running on version v0.33.4
2020-02-23T06:24:25.507Z INFO version running on version v0.33.4
You lost data when your HDD died so your node was disqualified. Did you figure out why your HDD died ? This will help you avoid any future mistakes.
You would have to start over again with new identity .
Make sure you delete all previous data like contents of your storage folder and identity files. You can’t use old identity hence you are signing up to a new one.
Storj strongly recommends using 1 node per HDD. If you already have RAID then using it makes sense but I would still personally recommend using 1 node per HDD. I wish you all the very best. If you face any issue do search the forum.
So it is not convenient to put discs together to have more space? Is it better to have a single disk even though it has little space and be able to buckup that single disk?