Node issue, with docker

Resolving (ver)… failed: Temporary failure in name resolution.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘
http://: Invalid host name.
downloading storagenode-updater

hi guys , when i was trying to running the storagenode from docker , it fails and gives me this error , does anyone know how to solve it?

for me it resolving OK, check your DNS configs.

done it multiple times, and i ve tried to run curl or wget , both works

when you make ping what returns?

this is Ok ip you get. may be problem that your docker cant get it

Docker containers can’t access local network DNS - Stack Overflow

thx, it works , and any idea of this error?

i found the solution on forum, cool

Hello @nalanshi ,
Welcome to the forum!

You missed the setup step, or the mount path in your docker run is wrong.

Please note, the setup step must be performed only once for the newly created node. You should not run it never again for the same identity.

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