I’ve been operating this node for years without any major issue. Now it never goes “online” and “Node not responding” in Storj Toolbox. For the life of me, I can’t figure out why it is not going online. Please see attached screenshots. Please help
Ports are open and have been, no recent changes.
Storjnode services are running, no recent changes.
Storage drive target online with no issues, no recent changes.
Firewall exceptions created, no recent changes.
DDNS is configured and reporting correct public IP, no recent changes.
Tried uninstalling and deleting the Program Files/Storj folder and rebooted (ensure services were removed) after backing up my Identity folder. Reinstalling and adding Identity with other proper configs, no change to issue.
The most obvious thing I see in the logs is:
“Could not rollup bandwidth usage”
“failed to add bandwidth usage”
Is there a known issue with my node’s build (1.96.6, current build from download page)?
If there were no recent changes, things would be working as they were for years. Obviously something has changed.
Since the error is being offline (I’m assuming you did in fact check with an external service that your port on your DDNS is open or not, and that the firewall rules are indeed correct), I’d start with basic troubleshooting steps:
check that the port is actually listening through windows. if it’s not listening, then the service isn’t started (unlikely outcome, since the dashboard is there, skip to next step)
check that the port is forwarded from your external ip to your private one. Some routers want an explicit external IP for forwards. It’s likely that the external address used for NAT doesn’t match that rule. Also likely that your ISP’s modem got automatically upgraded (should cause a reboot, hence a change in external IP when it comes back up)
If the port is forwarded, check that the internal IP matches. If you aren’t using a static IP for the machine running storj, you should.
Highly unlikely but there is the possibility that you tripped your ISP’s anti-abuse system, which flagged that port and is now blocked on their end.
Thank you. Hmm, how you suggest I check them? They are within an iSCSI-connected (10Gb interface) disk, the iSCSI disk is connected and I am able to browse the folder structure within the storagenode machine.
check that the port is actually listening through windows. if it’s not listening, then the service isn’t started (unlikely outcome, since the dashboard is there, skip to next step)
Services are started (storagenode, storagenode-updater, StorSvc)
check that the port is forwarded from your external ip to your private one. Some routers want an explicit external IP for forwards. It’s likely that the external address used for NAT doesn’t match that rule. Also likely that your ISP’s modem got automatically upgraded (should cause a reboot, hence a change in external IP when it comes back up)
Nice ideas. My current ISP IP address hasn’t changed and I have Storj configured with DDNS (also properly detecting my current ISP IP) I can also do a ping from outside the next to my DDNS and can check that the 28967 (UOD & TCP) is open and reachable from WAN. Double checked the port forwarding rules to besure their talking to any outside ports.
If the port is forwarded, check that the internal IP matches. If you aren’t using a static IP for the machine running storj, you should.
checked, the Storj system (Windows VM) static IP is still accurate.
Highly unlikely but there is the possibility that you tripped your ISP’s anti-abuse system, which flagged that port and is now blocked on their end.
Man… I hope not… I shouldn’t have though
Got bumped to CGNAT maybe?
Im not aware of any ISP NAT changes, if that’s what you’re referring to. Locally, my NAT is set to the same config as it has been when my node was working for the years it was working.
I really appreciate your reply and ideas, but so far nothing has changed. Node is still “Offline”