Node running on 0.31.12

Hi guys. Just checked I have 1 node running on above version, and the updater service was stopped :frowning:
It doesn’t update if I restart the service but I see traffic.

When you restart the service does it stay running ?

Yes it does. I’m IT admin :wink:

Then please, try to run the storagenode-updater service.
When it started, please, provide logs from it

Service is running @Alexey.

2020-03-06T18:37:33.454Z INFO Configuration loaded from: C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node\config.yaml
2020-03-06T18:37:33.490Z INFO Invalid configuration file key: server.address
2020-03-06T18:37:33.490Z INFO Invalid configuration file key: storage.allocated-bandwidth
2020-03-06T18:37:33.490Z INFO Invalid configuration file key: storage.allocated-disk-space
2020-03-06T18:37:33.490Z INFO Invalid configuration file key: server.private-address
2020-03-06T18:37:33.490Z INFO Invalid configuration file key: operator.wallet
2020-03-06T18:37:33.490Z INFO Invalid configuration file key: storage.path
2020-03-06T18:37:33.490Z INFO Invalid configuration file key: contact.external-address
2020-03-06T18:37:33.490Z INFO Invalid configuration file key: server.debug-log-traffic
2020-03-06T18:37:33.490Z INFO Invalid configuration file key:
2020-03-06T18:37:34.136Z INFO Downloading versions from
2020-03-06T18:37:35.290Z INFO New storagenode version available but not rolled out to this nodeID yet
2020-03-06T18:37:35.290Z INFO Downloading versions from
2020-03-06T18:37:35.430Z INFO New storagenode-updater version available but not rolled out to this nodeID yet
2020-03-06T18:52:34.177Z INFO Downloading versions from
2020-03-06T18:52:34.775Z INFO New storagenode version available but not rolled out to this nodeID yet
2020-03-06T18:52:34.775Z INFO Downloading versions from
2020-03-06T18:52:35.006Z INFO New storagenode-updater version available but not rolled out to this nodeID yet

As you can see, it should be available for your NodeID, when the bloom filter is allowing so

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Shouldn’t the node already be on 0.33.4 and waiting for 0.34.6?

Exactly my point, bit then again, the updater service was stopped.
I just thought that when I manually started it it updated to 0.33.4.
Why was the service even stopped? Is it by design?

Are the dependencies of that service running too ? It could be related to that. I have seen many GUI nodes not getting updated but running on older version than current 1 is first for me.

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Since this node is on a way older version, that bloom filter shouldn’t apply to updates to 0.33.4. It seems that the bloom filter now blocks any update even on nodes that are behind on updates.

Seems so. However it’s by design. The version service provide the update to nodes allowed by bloom filter. Its main goal - throttle updates and do not allow to update all nodes in the same time. If we introduce a bug, then we can loose all the network in the same time. This filter will give us a time to fix the bug and do not destroy the network.


I’ll just wait for the node to be updated then and monitor it.
Thank you for your feedback.

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But what happens if due to an updater issue your node has dropped below the minimum version and isn’t allowed to update because of this?

I understand that it shouldn’t get 0.34.6, but it should get 0.33.4 instead in my opinion.

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I thought that to, that’s what maked sense to me, but I guess I was wrong. Let’s hope it updated to the new version at least.

there is minimum node version, today it is 0.30.0.
node dashboard also show this, in teps when you mouse on version.

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