Node stuck restarting after v0.31.9 update

The docker node updated to v0.31.9 an hour ago since then the node just keeps restarting.

Only thing in the log-file is this repeatedly :

> 2020-01-30T10:43:58.080Z	INFO	Configuration loaded from: /app/config/config.yaml
> 2020-01-30T10:43:58.081Z	DEBUG	Found deprecated flag. Migrating value <removed>:28967 from kademlia.external-address to contact.external-address
> 2020-01-30T10:43:58.081Z	DEBUG	Found deprecated flag. Migrating value <removed> from kademlia.operator.wallet to operator.wallet
> 2020-01-30T10:43:58.081Z	DEBUG	Found deprecated flag. Migrating value <removed> from to
> 2020-01-30T10:43:58.081Z	DEBUG	debug server listening on
> 2020-01-30T10:43:58.097Z	INFO	Operator email: <removed>
> 2020-01-30T10:43:58.097Z	INFO	operator wallet: <removed>
> 2020-01-30T10:43:58.129Z	DEBUG	Binary Version: v0.31.9 with CommitHash d627034bb003d02d9219c169b7568856283badaf, built at 2020-01-30 01:34:57 +0000 UTC as Release true
> 2020-01-30T10:43:58.598Z	DEBUG	version	allowed minimum version from control server is: v0.30.0
> 2020-01-30T10:43:58.598Z	INFO	version	running on version v0.31.9
> 2020-01-30T10:43:58.599Z	DEBUG	telemetry	Initialized batcher with id = "19ENSdVFbhYHXS3Sz4gbfBy9vA9cF2QT3HUgqb3pxQVvYZb9gV"
> 2020-01-30T10:43:58.609Z	INFO	db.migration	Database Version	{"version": 29}
> 2020-01-30T10:43:58.612Z	DEBUG	Unrecoverable error	{"error": "Error during preflight check for storagenode databases: storage node preflight database error: used_serial: expected schema does not match actual:   &dbschema.Schema{\n  \tTables: []*dbschema.Table{&{Name: \"used_serial_\", Columns: []*dbschema.Column{&{Name: \"expiration\", Type: \"TIMESTAMP\"}, &{Name: \"satellite_id\", Type: \"BLOB\"}, &{Name: \"serial_number\", Type: \"BLOB\"}}}},\n  \tIndexes: []*dbschema.Index{\n  \t\t&{Name: \"idx_used_serial_\", Table: \"used_serial_\", Columns: []string{\"expiration\"}},\n- \t\t&{\n- \t\t\tName:    \"pk_used_serial_\",\n- \t\t\tTable:   \"used_serial_\",\n- \t\t\tColumns: []string{\"satellite_id\", \"serial_number\"},\n- \t\t},\n  \t},\n  }\n\n\*DB).Preflight:317\n\tmain.cmdRun:196\n\\n\\n\*Command).execute:826\n\*Command).ExecuteC:914\n\*Command).Execute:864\n\\n\\n\tmain.main:326\n\truntime.main:203", "errorVerbose": "Error during preflight check for storagenode databases: storage node preflight database error: used_serial: expected schema does not match actual:   &dbschema.Schema{\n  \tTables: []*dbschema.Table{&{Name: \"used_serial_\", Columns: []*dbschema.Column{&{Name: \"expiration\", Type: \"TIMESTAMP\"}, &{Name: \"satellite_id\", Type: \"BLOB\"}, &{Name: \"serial_number\", Type: \"BLOB\"}}}},\n  \tIndexes: []*dbschema.Index{\n  \t\t&{Name: \"idx_used_serial_\", Table: \"used_serial_\", Columns: []string{\"expiration\"}},\n- \t\t&{\n- \t\t\tName:    \"pk_used_serial_\",\n- \t\t\tTable:   \"used_serial_\",\n- \t\t\tColumns: []string{\"satellite_id\", \"serial_number\"},\n- \t\t},\n  \t},\n  }\n\n\*DB).Preflight:317\n\tmain.cmdRun:196\n\\n\\n\*Command).execute:826\n\*Command).ExecuteC:914\n\*Command).Execute:864\n\\n\\n\tmain.main:326\n\truntime.main:203\n\tmain.cmdRun:198\n\\n\\n\*Command).execute:826\n\*Command).ExecuteC:914\n\*Command).Execute:864\n\\n\\n\tmain.main:326\n\truntime.main:203"}

I’ve done the usual integrity check of the databases and everything seems ok.
Anyone got any ideas?

Did you modify the database at some point? The schema is wrong.

Only thing was a “PRAGMA integrity_check” on the databases a month or so ago which fixed some errors.

  	Tables: []*dbschema.Table{&{Name: \"used_serial_\", Columns: []*dbschema.Column{&{Name: \"expiration\", Type: \"TIMESTAMP\"}, &{Name: \"satellite_id\", Type: \"BLOB\"}, &{Name: \"serial_number\", Type: \"BLOB\"}}}},
  	Indexes: []*dbschema.Index{
  		&{Name: \"idx_used_serial_\", Table: \"used_serial_\", Columns: []string{\"expiration\"}},
- 		&{
- 			Name:    \"pk_used_serial_\",
- 			Table:   \"used_serial_\",
- 			Columns: []string{\"satellite_id\", \"serial_number\"},
- 		},

Give me a moment to compare that against the original DB

We’re doing Troubleshooting in this thread it effects another user as well:

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Thanks @S0litiare

Let’s follow in that one because is the same issue despite that they are in different DBs across different users.