Node VPN testing

I run a lot of nodes for testing purposes. Recently I decided to put together a Windows 10 node running on a Latte Panda SBC. It is storing data on a mechanical drive via USB-3. The node configuration is standard. New account. All new vetting. However, I am running it behind a PIA (Private Internet Access) VPN. When I set it up, I chose the location with the worst latency, in my case that is Singapore. 283ms.

Over the course of one month, it has gained 122gb of storage. There is 22gb in the trash. And it has uploaded 8gb. (Remember it also hasn’t fully vetted)

I will report on this at the end of March, and April, so we can all see how it progresses.

The point of the test is to see how well a node can do with a suboptimal configuration. It can be used as a point of comparison.

I’m also working on a VPS forwarding node and plan to report on that when I have it operational.


You have to check how many neighbours you have. I think you should use a vpn/vps with 0 or 1 neighbour to see if its realy a problem.